On Tue, 2009-12-29 at 21:48 -0500, Robert Haas wrote:
> Anyway, my specific reaction to your suggestions in the email that I
> quoted is that it seems a bit baroque and that I'm not really sure
> what it's useful for in practice.  I'm certainly not saying it ISN'T
> useful, because I can't believe that you would have gone to the
> trouble to work through all of this unless you had some ideas about
> nifty things that could be done with it, but I think maybe we need to
> back up and start by talking about the problems you're trying to
> solve, before we get too far down into a discussion of implementation
> details.  It doesn't appear to me that's been discussed too much so
> far, although there's enough enthusiasm here to make me suspect that
> other people may understand it better than I do.

Dan made the use case fairly clear:

"I have extended COPY to support using a UDF as a target instead of the
normal 'file' or STDOUT targets.  This dovetails nicely with a couple
of extensions I have also written for dblink for the purposes of
enabling direct cross-node bulk loading and replication."

David Fetter had some ideas as well:

        Jeff Davis

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