On Dec 30, 2009, at 9:53 AM, Robert Haas wrote:

> It looks like they are all very permissive, though I wonder what the
> legal effect of a license clause that the software be used for Good
> and not Evil might be.

Yeah, that might be too restrictive, given that PostgreSQL is used by 
government agencies and porn sites. Not that a given gov or porn site is 
inherently evil, mind, but some are. ;-P

> I guess the question is whether we would slurp one of these into our
> code base, or whether we would add an analog of --with-libxml and
> provide only a stub implementation when the library is not present.
> Any opinions?  Does anyone know whether any of these implementations
> are commonly packaged already?

I doubt that they have similar interfaces, so we'd probably have to rely on 
one. I'd probably favor embedding, personally, it's less work for admins.



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