David E. Wheeler wrote:
I guess the question is whether we would slurp one of these into our
code base, or whether we would add an analog of --with-libxml and
provide only a stub implementation when the library is not present.
Any opinions?  Does anyone know whether any of these implementations
are commonly packaged already?

I doubt that they have similar interfaces, so we'd probably have to rely on 
one. I'd probably favor embedding, personally, it's less work for admins.

I think we are getting the cart way before the horse. I'd like to see at least the outline of an API before we go any further. JSON is, shall we say, lightly specified, and doesn't appear to have any equivalent to XPath and friends, for example. How will we extract values from a JSON object? How will we be able to set values inside them? In ECMAScript it's not a problem, because the objects returned are just like any other objects, but that's not the case here. These are the sorts of questions we need to answer before we look at any implementation details, I think.



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