Mark, do you need my data to reproduce results from ?

On Fri, 29 Jan 2010, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:

Hi Robert,

I've also spent some time reviewing this patch since it is a
pre-requisite to the KNNGiST patch. I did have a much more comprehensive
list of suggestions, but it seems you've managed to resolve most of
these with your latest re-write. Please find some more comments inline:

Here's an edited version, which I've now reviewed more fully.  Some
more substantive review comments:

Firstly: the re-worked patch that you have posted seems to contain
remnants of at least 2 other patches. I have extracted the rbtree-only sections and re-attached to this email.

The patch was tested against git head 124a3cc... and applied without any fuzz or other issues.

1. I'm pretty satisfied that the rbtree code is generally sane,
although I wonder if we should think about putting it in access/common
rather than utils/misc.  I'm not sure that I have a sufficiently
clearly defined notion of what each subdirectory is for to draw a
definitive conclusion on this point; hopefully someone else will weigh

I'm happy that the code is a reasonable implementation of an RB-Tree, at
least with respect to the link to the related public domain source that
was posted. In terms of location, I think utils/misc is a reasonable
place for it to live since I see it as analogous to the hash table
implementation, i.e. it's a template RB-Tree implementation designed to
be used as required throughout the codebase. backend/access seems to be
the home of index AMs only.

Other code points:

- The new names for the iterator enum seem much better to me - or at
least it helped understand the meaning of the iterator code.

- You correctly picked up on the namespace issue, although I noticed
that you left RED and BLACK as they were. Maybe RBRED and RBBLACK would
be better, though not that there are any colour related defines around
in a database backend to make a name clash probable.

- I found the name of the "appendator" method misleading - perhaps
"updater" would make more sense?

2. I'm a little concerned about the performance implications of this
patch.  Looking at, it's
clear that the patch is a huge win in some cases.  But I'm also
surprised by how much performance is lost in some of the other cases
that you tested.  I suspect, on balance, that it's probably still a
good idea to put this in, but I wonder if you've profiled this at all
to see where the extra time is going and/or explored possible ways of
squashing that overhead down a little more.

3. In ginInsertEntry(), the "else" branch of the if statement really
looks like magic when you first read it.  I wonder if it would make
sense to pull the contents of EAAllocate() directly into this
function, since there's only one call site anyhow.

God yes. This is not a good example of maintainable code - even with your comment I struggled for a while to try and figure it out :( I would suggest that this is refactored appropriately before commit.

I still have not done any performance testing of my own on this code,
and it probably needs that.  If anyone else has time to step up and
help with that, it would be much appreciated.  It would be useful to
have some plain old benchmarks as well as some profiling data as
mentioned above.

As part of my testing, I attempted to duplicate some of the benchmarks
at Unfortunately I was not really able to reproduce the RND (teodor's) dataset, nor the random array test as the SQL used to test the implementation was not present on the page above.

For each test, I dropped and recreated the database to ensure that any autovacuum impact would be the same.

1) Fixed length random & sequential string arrays

SELECT array_to_string(ARRAY(select '' || a || '.' || b from
generate_series(1,50) b), ' ')::tsvector AS i INTO seq FROM
generate_series(1,100000) a;

SELECT array_to_string(ARRAY(select '' || random() from
generate_series(1,50) b), ' ')::tsvector AS i INTO rnd FROM
generate_series(1,100000) a;

Before patch:

test=# create index seq_idx on seq using gin (i);
Time: 103205.790 ms
test=# create index rnd_idx on rnd using gin (i);
Time: 6770.131 ms

After patch:

test=# create index seq_idx on seq using gin (i);
Time: 87724.953 ms
test=# create index rnd_idx on rnd using gin (i);
Time: 5596.666 ms

2) Identical records, variable length test

select ARRAY(select generate_series(1,len)) as a50 into arr50 from generate_series(1,100000) b;

Before patch:

i) len=3

select ARRAY(select generate_series(1,3)) as a3 into arr3 from generate_series(1,100000) b;

test=# create index arr3_idx on arr3 using gin (a3);
Time: 324.251 ms

ii) len=30

select ARRAY(select generate_series(1,30)) as a30 into arr30 from generate_series(1,100000) b;

test=# create index arr30_idx on arr30 using gin (a30);
Time: 2163.786 ms

iii) len=50

select ARRAY(select generate_series(1,50)) as a50 into arr50 from generate_series(1,100000) b;

test=# create index arr50_idx on arr50 using gin (a50);
Time: 3306.074 ms

iv) len=random

select ARRAY(select generate_series(1, (random() * 100)::int)) as arand into arrrand from generate_series(1,100000) b;

test=# create index arrrand_idx on arrrand using gin (arand);
Time: 4725.556 ms

After patch:

i) len=3

select ARRAY(select generate_series(1,3)) as a3 into arr3 from generate_series(1,100000) b;

test=# create index arr3_idx on arr3 using gin (a3);
Time: 299.090 ms

ii) len=30

select ARRAY(select generate_series(1,30)) as a30 into arr30 from generate_series(1,100000) b;

test=# create index arr30_idx on arr30 using gin (a30);
Time: 2828.424 ms

iii) len=50

select ARRAY(select generate_series(1,50)) as a50 into arr50 from generate_series(1,100000) b;

test=# create index arr50_idx on arr50 using gin (a50);
Time: 3984.456 ms

iv) len=random

select ARRAY(select generate_series(1, (random() * 100)::int)) as arand into arrrand from generate_series(1,100000) b;

test=# create index arrrand_idx on arrrand using gin (arand);
Time: 3514.972 ms


I believe Robert has done a good deal of the groundwork required to get this patch ready for inclusion. With the current version, I was able to see a measurable performance improvement in some test cases with no significant performance regression. It would have been nice to be able to reproduce the whole set of test cases but this was not possible from the information specified.

With perhaps some minor tweaks to some of the names and a rework of the else clause in ginInsertEntry(), I feel this patch is reasonably close to commit.

I shall now continue my review of the associated KNNGiST patch.



Oleg Bartunov, Research Scientist, Head of AstroNet (,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Russia
phone: +007(495)939-16-83, +007(495)939-23-83

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