Greg Stark  wrote:
> Keepalives introduce spurious disconnections in working TCP
> connections that have transient outages
It's been a while since I read up on this, so perhaps my memory has
distorted the facts over time, but I thought that under TCP, if one
side sends a packet which isn't ack'd after a (configurable) number
of tries with certain (configurable) timings, the connection would be
considered broken and an error returned regardless of keepalive
settings.  I thought keepalive only generated a trickle of small
packets during idle time so that broken connections could be detected
on the side of a connection which was waiting to receive data before
doing something.  That doesn't sound consistent with your
characterization, though, since if my recollection is right, one
could just as easily say that any write to a TCP socket by the
application can also cause "spurious disconnections in working TCP
connections that have transient outages."
I know that with a two minute keepalive timeout, I can unplug a
machine from one switch port and plug it in somewhere else and the
networking hardware sorts things out fast enough that the transient
network outage doesn't break the TCP connection, whether the
application is sending data or it is quiescent and the OS is sending
keepalive packets.
>From what I've read about the present walreceiver retry logic, if the
connection breaks, WR will use some intelligence to try the archive
and retry connecting through TCP, in turn, until it finds data.  If
the connection goes silent without breaking, WR sits there forever
without looking at the archive or trying to obtain a new TCP
connection to the master.  I know which behavior I'd prefer.
Apparently the testers who encountered the behavior felt the same.

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