On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 3:32 AM, Jörg Roman Rudnick
<joerg.rudn...@t-online.de> wrote:
> * are there any people / projects known which are interested in ORDBMS /
> OODBMS usage of PostgreSQL? Strict SQL standard conformance is less
> important than the possibility to provide instructive and impressive
> examples to students.
> * are there any people / projects known which are interested in extending
> PostgreSQL at a higher level (plpgsql, creating operators, etc.) for the
> sake of ORDBMS / OODBMS functionality?
> * are there any people / projects known which are interested in extending
> PostgreSQL on the level of developing C code for the sake of ORDBMS / OODBMS
> functionality?
> * in how far does the backend support such efforts -- would it do fine, or
> is rather to be expected that doing ORDBMS / OODBMS driven queries would
> lead to disastrous performance?
> * are there any people / projects known which are interested in using the
> rule (?trigger?) system of PostgreSQL (maybe with extensions) to achieve
> some kind of rule base / datalog type inference engines? In how far does the
> backend constrain this in regard of performance?

I don't really know much about ORDBMS / OODBMS functionality; a quick
Google search suggests that SQL/OLB is mostly about Java language
bindings, and there's a separate project (pgsql-jdbc) which works on
PostgreSQL connectivity for Java.  As far as changes to the core
database are concerned, user-defined functions and operators are not
hard to create, but I'm fuzzy on what specifically you want to do.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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