* Robert Haas (robertmh...@gmail.com) wrote:
> Well, I guess the other option is to just add it to the format, full
> stop.  But as someone pointed out previously, that's not a terribly
> scalable solution, but perhaps it could be judged adequate for this
> particular case.

Think I suggested that at one point.  I'm all for doing that on a major
version change like this one, but I think we already had some concerns
about that on this thread (Andrew maybe?).

> While I generally agree with the principal, I also wonder if it might
> be better to just add this field in log_line_prefix and wait for
> someone to complain about that as other than a theoretical matter.

I might be working against myself, but I'll complain right now about the
lack of any way to have a header on the CSV logs and that you don't get
to control what fields are logged.  That said, I'm not currently using
them either, so my vote doesn't count for much.  Of course, I'll also
complain about the lack of any way to get PG to respect the header,
forcing me to do fun things like:

for file in *results*; do
        HEADER=`head -1 $file`
        sed -e 's:""::g' < $file | \
            psql -d beac -h sauron -c \
            "\copy my_table ($HEADER) from STDIN with csv header"

on a regular basis.  How forcing me to do that rather than asking
someone else to use 'tail -n +2' makes sense is beyond me..



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