Hi Oliver

There are two problems.
> The first problem is a plpgsql problem in that particular function. It's
> broken regardless of how you call it. Here's how to fix it [...]

Thanks for insisting! I missed that fact. In the end, it looked like the
same error, but you're right about the plpgsql syntax error.

> The second problem is that the JDBC driver always generates calls in the
> "SELECT * FROM ..." form, but this does not work correctly for
> one-OUT-parameter-that-is-a-UDT, as seen in the example immediately
> above. Here's how to do the call for that particular case [...]

Knowing these things, I think I can live with the status quo in my case. As
I'm writing a database abstraction library (http://jooq.sourceforge.net),
with generated source code, I can hide these Postgres-specific details from
end-user code easily and assemble the UDT myself when reading the 6 return

> Any questions? (I'm sure there will be questions. Sigh.)

Thanks again for the patience! :-)

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