Florian Pflug wrote:
On Feb17, 2011, at 01:14 , Oliver Jowett wrote:
Any suggestions about how the JDBC driver can express the query to get
the behavior that it wants? Specifically, the driver wants to call a
particular function with N OUT or INOUT parameters (and maybe some other
IN parameters too) and get a resultset with N columns back.

There's no sane way to do that, I fear. You could of course look up the
function definition in the catalog before actually calling it, but with
overloading and polymorphic types finding the right pg_proc entry seems
awfully complex.

Your best option is probably to just document this caveat...

Well, the JDBC driver does know how many OUT parameters there are before execution happens, so it could theoretically do something different for 1 OUT vs. many OUT parameters.

The problem is that currently the translation of the JDBC "{ call }" escape happens early on, well before we know which parameters are OUT parameters. Moving that translation later is, at best, tricky, so I was hoping there was one query form that would handle all cases.


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