> IIRC the spec is not _really_ broken - it still allows the correct
> behaviour :)


> The fact the ISO spec is broken usually means that at least one of the
> big vendors involved in ISO spec creation must have had a broken
> implementation at that time.

Right. IBM.

> Most likely they have fixed it by now ...

Nope, though I don't know for sure. Anyone here have a recent AIX
machine to test?

> Does anyone know _any_ other libc that has this behaviour ?

AIX and (I think) Irix.

Trond, do you have a suggestion on how to get this addressed at the
glibc level? Does someone within RH participate in glibc development? If
so, can we get them to champion changes which would comply with the
standard but remove this arbitrary breakage?

The changes would involve returning -1 from mktime() for dates before
1970, and using the tm_isdst flag to indicate whether a time zone
translation was not possible.

                   - Thomas

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