On 04/18/2011 06:38 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 3:17 PM, Josh Berkus<j...@agliodbs.com>  wrote:
In any case, I think the answer to this is constructive; better
documentation and tools to let submitters get their code into good shape
in the first place so that we don't have discussions about formatting.
That way we waste *neither* the reviewers' nor the submitters' time.
Well, I'm all in favor of better documentation, but I think the
biggest thing we need to do is get the word out:

1. We realize we have been too trigger-happy sometimes.
2. But we really want you to participate.
3. And we are trying very hard to do better.
4. And please tell us if we screw up, so we can keep working on it.

I think Robert has hit the nail on the head. As I mentioned at #PgWest, we are a 1000 person dysfunctional family. David Fetter reminded me gently (yes really) that as far as 1000 person families go, we're doing pretty good. We are one of the last true communities left.

We need to find a way to let people know that we are only gruff, because of experience and that although we can be rough we welcome the participation and we try really hard. We are engineers (well, I'm not...) but most of us are.


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