On 06/24/2011 03:28 PM, Christopher Browne wrote:
I expect that the correlation between commit and [various parties] is
something that will need to take place outside git.

Agreed on everything except the "Author" information that is already being placed into each commit. The right data is already going into there, all it would take is some small amount of tagging to make it easier to extract programatically.

The existing CommitFest data goes quite a long ways towards capturing
interesting information (with the likely exception of sponsorship);
what it's missing, at this point, is a capture of what commit or
commits wound up drawing the proposed patch into the official code

The main problem with driving this from the CommitFest app is that not every feature ends up in there. Committers who commit their own work are one source of those. Commits for bug fixes that end up being notable enough to go into the release notes are another.

I agree it would be nice if every entry marked as "Committed" in the CF app included a final link to the message ID of the commit closing it. But since I don't ever see that being the complete data set, I find it hard to justify enforcing that work. And the ability to operate programatically on the output from "git log" is a slightly easier path to walk down than extracting the same from the CF app, you avoid one pre-processing step: extracting the right entries in the database to get a list of commit IDs.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US    g...@2ndquadrant.com   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support  www.2ndQuadrant.us

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