On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 04:58:08PM -0600, Jim Nasby wrote:
> Except AFAIR Oracle uses the term to indicate something that is
> happening *outside* of your current transaction, which is definitely
> not what the proposal is talking about.

That feature is commonly translated in PostgreSQL to a dblink-based
solution, which itself is not distant from the current proposal, at
least in terms of inside/outside (the biggest difference I can see is
on sharing temporary tables).

But I am not sure I understand your remark; it would be clearer to me
if you could provide an example explaining the difference.

Dr. Gianni Ciolli - 2ndQuadrant Italia
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support
gianni.cio...@2ndquadrant.it | www.2ndquadrant.it

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