On tis, 2012-02-28 at 11:20 -0500, Robert Haas wrote:
> > [ snicker ]  But still, Peter has a point: pgsql is not a name for
> the
> > product, it's at best an abbreviation.  We aren't calling the other
> > thing orcl_fdw or ora_fdw.
> >
> > I think either postgres_fdw or postgresql_fdw would be fine.
> I liked the shorter name, myself, but I'm not going to make a big deal
> about it.

Let's at least be clear about the reasons here.  The fact that
postgresql_fdw_validator exists means (a) there is a possible naming
conflict that has not been discussed yet, and/or (b) the name is already
settled and we need to think of a way to make postgresql_fdw_validator
work with the new actual FDW.

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