Robert Haas <> writes:
> Examining this thread, I think there is insufficient consensus to push
> this patch into 9.2.  It's not entirely clear that this patch isn't
> what we want, but it's not entirely clear that it is what we want
> either, and I think it's too late in the release cycle to push
> anything into the release that we're not fairly sure we actually want,
> because there won't be time to revisit that decision before this ends
> up out in the wild.  It's also not the sort of thing we can just whack
> around in the next release if we get it wrong, because APIs for coping
> with versioning are exactly the kind of thing that you can't go change
> at the drop of a hat.  I'm therefore marking this Returned with
> Feedback.

Fair enough I guess.  The first extension patch took me more than 2
years∫of brewing before we get to a consensus on what we wanted in core,
I shouldn't have assumed it would ease the path for next improvements
too much.

Dimitri Fontaine     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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