On 01/04/2013 01:17 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

Well, of course, people with that type of problem should probably
rethink their use of dynamic SQL when they move to 9.2 anyway, because
that's the case where the new plancache code could actually help them
if they'd only let it.

Not to further the argument because of the +1 from you but I think it is important to keep in mind that the less work we make it to upgrade, the more likely it is they will.

It took forever (and we still have stragglers) to get people past 8.2 because of the casting change in 8.3. This is a similar problem in that if we want them to upgrade to take advantage of features, we have to make it so the least amount of work possible is needed to make that upgrade happen.

Rewriting many thousands of lines of dynamic sql to upgrade to 9.2 is certainly not doing that :).


Joshua D. Drake

But anyway, nobody seems to be speaking against back-patching, so
I'll go do it.

                        regards, tom lane

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