* Fabrízio de Royes Mello (fabriziome...@gmail.com) wrote:
> * also we discuss about create two new catalogs, one local and another
> shared (like pg_description and pg_shdescription) to track creation times
> of all database objects.

Creating a separate catalog (or two) every time we want to track XYZ for
all objects is rather overkill...  Thinking about this a bit more, and
noting that pg_description/shdescription more-or-less already exist as a
framework for tracking 'something' for 'all catalog entries'- why don't
we just add these columns to those tables..?  This would also address
Peter's concern about making sure we do this 'wholesale' and in one
release rather than spread across multiple releases- just make sure it
covers the same set of things which 'comment' does.

Also, I don't think we really need a GUC for this.



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