On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Kris Jurka <bo...@ejurka.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Feb 2013, Seamus Abshere wrote:
> > I personally don't know of any way around the conflict except changing
> > JDBC or hstore, and I don't think JDBC is gonna change.
> >
> I think changing JDBC is the way to go.  Currently JDBC supports escape
> sequences for cross database portability and it seems reasonable to
> support an escape sequence that allowed passing ? to the backend instead
> of interpreting it as a parameter.  This will be more complicated than you
> might hope because the escape processing currently happens prior to bind
> parameter detection so I'm not sure what a good patch would really look
> like, but given the feedback provided here, it's worth investigating.
> Kris Jurka
> Would this be an postgresql specific escape sequence ? I don't think the
spec allows for this does it ?

Dave Cramer


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