The thing is PostgeSQL JDBC driver should be able to parse sql in order to
tell if specific question mark is a bind variable or it is inside string
literal, or it is inside of some comment.

I do not believe JDBC spec forces to treat all ? as bind placeholders.
That's unusable.
Oracle JDBC allows having ? symbols in comments and string literals without
any special escapement.
08.02.2013 22:01 пользователь "Dave Cramer" <> написал:

> That would seem to be the implication. JDBC wouldn't really know anything
> about hstore.
> Dave Cramer
> dave.cramer(at)credativ(dot)ca
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Andrew Dunstan <>wrote:
>> On 02/08/2013 12:41 PM, Kris Jurka wrote:
>>> On Fri, 8 Feb 2013, Dave Cramer wrote:
>>>  Would this be an postgresql specific escape sequence ? I don't think the
>>>> spec allows for this does it ?
>>>>  Yes, this would be a postgresql jdbc driver specific escape.  The spec
>>> doesn't have a concept of private escape sequences, but that doesn't seem
>>> like the end of the world.  Clearly the user here is writing postgresql
>>> specific code to use hstore operators, so there's not a portability loss
>>> here.
>> I assume, though, that you're not talking about something that's
>> hstore-specific, but rather something that will allow the user to put a
>> non-parameter question mark in the query string. As has been noted
>> upthread, the hstore use is far from the only one that causes users to trip
>> on this.
>> cheers
>> andrew

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