Dimitri Fontaine wrote:
> Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> writes:
> > I could also live with keeping the schema column as proposed, if people
> > think it has a use, but letting it be redundant with a schema name
> > included in the identity string.  But it seems like a bad idea to try to
> > shear schema off of identity.
> +1
> Use case for keeping the extra column: replication to a federated
> database where you want to tweak the target schema.

If I understood our IM discussion correctly, you were saying that for
federated database replication you wanted a separate "name" column, from
which you could extract a table name easily; not that you wanted a
separate schema column.  Anyway the schema column is also present.  We
can easily remove columns before commit, if we decide we don't want

In the attached patch, we have these three columns: a "name" column,
which is the object's bare name; a "schema" column, which is the schema;
and an "identity" column, which is the whole thing, with all the schema
qualifications that apply.  There's also the type, of course.

I added the name column because it seems to me that it is genuinely
useful for some use cases.  However, there are two problems: first, the
original implementation had a slight bug in the case of column objects
(it displayed the name of the relation, not the name of the column), and
two I was afraid it'd be easily misused.  One way to attack both things
at once would to be make it NULL except in the cases where it's a truly
unique identifier (tables, schemas, etc).  To avoid this being a
standalone "whitelist" of catalogs (which would get outdated quickly, I
fear), I propose to add a new boolean option in ObjectProperty, which
specifies whether the name can be used as an identifier.  I have
implemented it that way in the attached patch.

The new identity column is amazingly verbose on things like pg_amproc entries:

 10650 | 1 (pg_catalog.point, pg_catalog.point) of pg_catalog.point_ops for 
 10651 | 2 (pg_catalog.point, pg_catalog.point) of pg_catalog.point_ops for 
gist: pg_catalog.gist_box_union(pg_catalog.internal,pg_catalog.internal)
 10652 | 3 (pg_catalog.point, pg_catalog.point) of pg_catalog.point_ops for 
gist: pg_catalog.gist_point_compress(pg_catalog.internal)
 10653 | 4 (pg_catalog.point, pg_catalog.point) of pg_catalog.point_ops for 
gist: pg_catalog.gist_box_decompress(pg_catalog.internal)
 10654 | 5 (pg_catalog.point, pg_catalog.point) of pg_catalog.point_ops for 
 10655 | 6 (pg_catalog.point, pg_catalog.point) of pg_catalog.point_ops for 
gist: pg_catalog.gist_box_picksplit(pg_catalog.internal,pg_catalog.internal)
 10656 | 7 (pg_catalog.point, pg_catalog.point) of pg_catalog.point_ops for 
 10657 | 8 (pg_catalog.point, pg_catalog.point) of pg_catalog.point_ops for 

Also, note how types with standard-specified names ("integer") are not
qualified (which is the right thing, AFAICT).   Here's another interesting

alvherre=# create type public.integer as enum ('uno', 'dos');

alvherre=# select * from pg_identify_object('pg_type'::regclass, 
'integer'::regtype, 0);
 type |   schema   | name | identity 
 type | pg_catalog | int4 | integer
(1 fila)

alvherre=# select * from pg_identify_object('pg_type'::regclass, 
'public.integer'::regtype, 0);
 type | schema |   name    |     identity     
 type | public | "integer" | public."integer"
(1 fila)

If you create a public.int4 type, there's no confusion either, so it's
all consistent.

Here's another bit of sample output, from pg_depend contents (at the
left there's the referencing object, at the right the referenced

alvherre=# select deptype, refd.*, ref.* from pg_depend, lateral (select * from 
pg_identify_object(classid, objid, objsubid) ) refd, lateral (select * from 
pg_identify_object(refclassid, refobjid, refobjsubid)) ref where classid <> 0 
and refd.schema <> 'pg_catalog' and ref.schema <> 'information_schema' and 
refd.schema <> 'pg_toast';
 deptype |       type        |    schema    |     name     |                    
       identity                           |     type     |    schema    |    
name     |                 identity                  
 a       | domain constraint | public       |              | "my constr" on 
public.mydom                                  | type         | public       | 
mydom       | public.mydom
 i       | type              | "the schema" | "the table"  | "the schema"."the 
table"                                     | table        | "the schema" | "the 
table" | "the schema"."the table"
 i       | type              | "the schema" | "_the table" | "the schema"."the 
table"[]                                   | type         | "the schema" | "the 
table" | "the schema"."the table"
 i       | type              | public       | qx           | public.qx          
                                          | table        | public       | qx    
      | public.qx
 i       | type              | public       | _qx          | public.qx[]        
                                          | type         | public       | qx    
      | public.qx
 a       | table constraint  | "the schema" |              | "the table_another 
column_check" on "the schema"."the table" | table column | "the schema" | "the 
table" | "the schema"."the table"."another column"
 n       | table constraint  | "the schema" |              | "the table_another 
column_check" on "the schema"."the table" | table column | "the schema" | "the 
table" | "the schema"."the table"."another column"
 i       | type              | public       | _integer     | public."integer"[] 
                                          | type         | public       | 
"integer"   | public."integer"
 i       | type              | public       | _int4        | public.int4[]      
                                          | type         | public       | int4  
      | public.int4
(9 filas)

alvherre=# \d "the schema"."the table" 
       Tabla «the schema.the table»
    Columna     |  Tipo   | Modificadores 
 the column     | integer | 
 another column | integer | 
Restricciones CHECK:
    "the table_another column_check" CHECK ("another column" > 0)

All in all, I'm happy with this and I'm considering committing it as
soon as we agree on the set of columns.  I'm mildly on the side of
removing the separate schema column and keeping name, so we'd have

Álvaro Herrera                http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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