On 06/07/2013 12:14 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:

Right now, what we're telling users is "You can have continuous backup
with Postgres, but you'd better hire and expensive consultant to set it
up for you, or use this external tool of dubious provenance which
there's no packages for, or you might accidentally cause your database
to shut down in the middle of the night."

This is an outright falsehood. We are telling them, "You better know what you are doing" or "You should call a consultant". This is no different than, "You better know what you are doing" or "You should take driving lessons".

At which point most sensible users say "no thanks, I'll use something else".

Josh I have always admired your flair for dramatics, it almost rivals mine. Users are free to use what they want, some will chose lesser databases. I am ok with that because eventually if PostgreSQL is the right tool, they will come back to us, and PgExperts or CMD or OmniTI or they will know what they are doing and thus don't need us.


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