Attached is a first draft of an update to pg_filedump for 9.3. I know
pg_filedump is a pgfoundry project, but that seems like it's just there
to host the download; so please excuse the slightly off-topic post here
on -hackers.

I made a few changes to support 9.3, which were mostly fixes related two

 * new htup_details.h and changes related to FK concurrency improvements
 * XLogRecPtr is now a uint64

And, of course, I added support for checksums. They are always displayed
and calculated, but it only throws an error if you pass "-k". Only the
user knows whether checksums are enabled, because we removed page-level
bits indicating the presence of a checksum.

The patch is a bit ugly: I had to copy some code, and copy the entire
checksum.c file (minus some Asserts, which don't work in an external
program). Suggestions welcome.

        Jeff Davis

diff -Nc pg_filedump-9.2.0/checksum.c pg_filedump-9.3.0j/checksum.c
*** pg_filedump-9.2.0/checksum.c	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
--- pg_filedump-9.3.0j/checksum.c	2013-06-09 21:20:34.036176831 -0700
*** 0 ****
--- 1,157 ----
+ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *
+  * checksum.c
+  *	  Checksum implementation for data pages.
+  *
+  * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2013, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+  * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
+  *
+  *
+  *	  src/backend/storage/page/checksum.c
+  *
+  *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  *
+  * Checksum algorithm
+  *
+  * The algorithm used to checksum pages is chosen for very fast calculation.
+  * Workloads where the database working set fits into OS file cache but not
+  * into shared buffers can read in pages at a very fast pace and the checksum
+  * algorithm itself can become the largest bottleneck.
+  *
+  * The checksum algorithm itself is based on the FNV-1a hash (FNV is shorthand
+  * for Fowler/Noll/Vo) The primitive of a plain FNV-1a hash folds in data 1
+  * byte at a time according to the formula:
+  *
+  *     hash = (hash ^ value) * FNV_PRIME
+  *
+  * FNV-1a algorithm is described at
+  *
+  * PostgreSQL doesn't use FNV-1a hash directly because it has bad mixing of
+  * high bits - high order bits in input data only affect high order bits in
+  * output data. To resolve this we xor in the value prior to multiplication
+  * shifted right by 17 bits. The number 17 was chosen because it doesn't
+  * have common denominator with set bit positions in FNV_PRIME and empirically
+  * provides the fastest mixing for high order bits of final iterations quickly
+  * avalanche into lower positions. For performance reasons we choose to combine
+  * 4 bytes at a time. The actual hash formula used as the basis is:
+  *
+  *     hash = (hash ^ value) * FNV_PRIME ^ ((hash ^ value) >> 17)
+  *
+  * The main bottleneck in this calculation is the multiplication latency. To
+  * hide the latency and to make use of SIMD parallelism multiple hash values
+  * are calculated in parallel. The page is treated as a 32 column two
+  * dimensional array of 32 bit values. Each column is aggregated separately
+  * into a partial checksum. Each partial checksum uses a different initial
+  * value (offset basis in FNV terminology). The initial values actually used
+  * were chosen randomly, as the values themselves don't matter as much as that
+  * they are different and don't match anything in real data. After initializing
+  * partial checksums each value in the column is aggregated according to the
+  * above formula. Finally two more iterations of the formula are performed with
+  * value 0 to mix the bits of the last value added.
+  *
+  * The partial checksums are then folded together using xor to form a single
+  * 32-bit checksum. The caller can safely reduce the value to 16 bits
+  * using modulo 2^16-1. That will cause a very slight bias towards lower
+  * values but this is not significant for the performance of the
+  * checksum.
+  *
+  * The algorithm choice was based on what instructions are available in SIMD
+  * instruction sets. This meant that a fast and good algorithm needed to use
+  * multiplication as the main mixing operator. The simplest multiplication
+  * based checksum primitive is the one used by FNV. The prime used is chosen
+  * for good dispersion of values. It has no known simple patterns that result
+  * in collisions. Test of 5-bit differentials of the primitive over 64bit keys
+  * reveals no differentials with 3 or more values out of 100000 random keys
+  * colliding. Avalanche test shows that only high order bits of the last word
+  * have a bias. Tests of 1-4 uncorrelated bit errors, stray 0 and 0xFF bytes,
+  * overwriting page from random position to end with 0 bytes, and overwriting
+  * random segments of page with 0x00, 0xFF and random data all show optimal
+  * 2e-16 false positive rate within margin of error.
+  *
+  * Vectorization of the algorithm requires 32bit x 32bit -> 32bit integer
+  * multiplication instruction. As of 2013 the corresponding instruction is
+  * available on x86 SSE4.1 extensions (pmulld) and ARM NEON (vmul.i32).
+  * Vectorization requires a compiler to do the vectorization for us. For recent
+  * GCC versions the flags -msse4.1 -funroll-loops -ftree-vectorize are enough
+  * to achieve vectorization.
+  *
+  * The optimal amount of parallelism to use depends on CPU specific instruction
+  * latency, SIMD instruction width, throughput and the amount of registers
+  * available to hold intermediate state. Generally, more parallelism is better
+  * up to the point that state doesn't fit in registers and extra load-store
+  * instructions are needed to swap values in/out. The number chosen is a fixed
+  * part of the algorithm because changing the parallelism changes the checksum
+  * result.
+  *
+  * The parallelism number 32 was chosen based on the fact that it is the
+  * largest state that fits into architecturally visible x86 SSE registers while
+  * leaving some free registers for intermediate values. For future processors
+  * with 256bit vector registers this will leave some performance on the table.
+  * When vectorization is not available it might be beneficial to restructure
+  * the computation to calculate a subset of the columns at a time and perform
+  * multiple passes to avoid register spilling. This optimization opportunity
+  * is not used. Current coding also assumes that the compiler has the ability
+  * to unroll the inner loop to avoid loop overhead and minimize register
+  * spilling. For less sophisticated compilers it might be beneficial to manually
+  * unroll the inner loop.
+  */
+ #include "postgres.h"
+ #include "storage/checksum.h"
+ /* number of checksums to calculate in parallel */
+ #define N_SUMS 32
+ /* prime multiplier of FNV-1a hash */
+ #define FNV_PRIME 16777619
+ /*
+  * Base offsets to initialize each of the parallel FNV hashes into a
+  * different initial state.
+  */
+ static const uint32 checksumBaseOffsets[N_SUMS] = {
+ 	0x5B1F36E9, 0xB8525960, 0x02AB50AA, 0x1DE66D2A,
+ 	0x79FF467A, 0x9BB9F8A3, 0x217E7CD2, 0x83E13D2C,
+ 	0xF8D4474F, 0xE39EB970, 0x42C6AE16, 0x993216FA,
+ 	0x7B093B5D, 0x98DAFF3C, 0xF718902A, 0x0B1C9CDB,
+ 	0xE58F764B, 0x187636BC, 0x5D7B3BB1, 0xE73DE7DE,
+ 	0x92BEC979, 0xCCA6C0B2, 0x304A0979, 0x85AA43D4,
+ 	0x783125BB, 0x6CA8EAA2, 0xE407EAC6, 0x4B5CFC3E,
+ 	0x9FBF8C76, 0x15CA20BE, 0xF2CA9FD3, 0x959BD756
+ };
+ /*
+  * Calculate one round of the checksum.
+  */
+ #define CHECKSUM_COMP(checksum, value) do {\
+ 	uint32 __tmp = (checksum) ^ (value);\
+ 	(checksum) = __tmp * FNV_PRIME ^ (__tmp >> 17);\
+ } while (0)
+ uint32
+ checksum_block(char *data, uint32 size)
+ {
+ 	uint32 sums[N_SUMS];
+ 	uint32 (*dataArr)[N_SUMS] = (uint32 (*)[N_SUMS]) data;
+ 	uint32 result = 0;
+ 	int i, j;
+ 	/* initialize partial checksums to their corresponding offsets */
+ 	memcpy(sums, checksumBaseOffsets, sizeof(checksumBaseOffsets));
+ 	/* main checksum calculation */
+ 	for (i = 0; i < size/sizeof(uint32)/N_SUMS; i++)
+ 		for (j = 0; j < N_SUMS; j++)
+ 			CHECKSUM_COMP(sums[j], dataArr[i][j]);
+ 	/* finally add in two rounds of zeroes for additional mixing */
+ 	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ 		for (j = 0; j < N_SUMS; j++)
+ 			CHECKSUM_COMP(sums[j], 0);
+ 	/* xor fold partial checksums together */
+ 	for (i = 0; i < N_SUMS; i++)
+ 		result ^= sums[i];
+ 	return result;
+ }
Common subdirectories: pg_filedump-9.2.0/.deps and pg_filedump-9.3.0j/.deps
diff -Nc pg_filedump-9.2.0/Makefile pg_filedump-9.3.0j/Makefile
*** pg_filedump-9.2.0/Makefile	2012-03-12 09:02:44.000000000 -0700
--- pg_filedump-9.3.0j/Makefile	2013-06-09 21:15:43.908182347 -0700
*** 1,7 ****
  # View README.pg_filedump first
  # note this must match version macros in pg_filedump.h
! FD_VERSION=9.2.0
  CFLAGS=-g -O -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations
--- 1,7 ----
  # View README.pg_filedump first
  # note this must match version macros in pg_filedump.h
! FD_VERSION=9.3.0
  CFLAGS=-g -O -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations
*** 17,28 ****
  all: pg_filedump
! pg_filedump: pg_filedump.o
  	${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o pg_filedump pg_filedump.o
  pg_filedump.o: pg_filedump.c
  	${CC} ${CFLAGS} -I${PGSQL_INCLUDE_DIR} pg_filedump.c -c
  	rm -rf pg_filedump-${FD_VERSION} pg_filedump-${FD_VERSION}.tar.gz
  	mkdir pg_filedump-${FD_VERSION}
--- 17,31 ----
  all: pg_filedump
! pg_filedump: pg_filedump.o checksum.o
  	${CC} ${CFLAGS} -o pg_filedump pg_filedump.o
  pg_filedump.o: pg_filedump.c
  	${CC} ${CFLAGS} -I${PGSQL_INCLUDE_DIR} pg_filedump.c -c
+ checksum.o: checksum.c
+ 	${CC} ${CFLAGS} -I${PGSQL_INCLUDE_DIR} checksum.c -c
  	rm -rf pg_filedump-${FD_VERSION} pg_filedump-${FD_VERSION}.tar.gz
  	mkdir pg_filedump-${FD_VERSION}
diff -Nc pg_filedump-9.2.0/Makefile.contrib pg_filedump-9.3.0j/Makefile.contrib
*** pg_filedump-9.2.0/Makefile.contrib	2012-03-12 08:52:57.000000000 -0700
--- pg_filedump-9.3.0j/Makefile.contrib	2013-06-09 21:16:17.524181706 -0700
*** 1,5 ****
  PROGRAM = pg_filedump
! OBJS	= pg_filedump.o
  DOCS = README.pg_filedump
--- 1,5 ----
  PROGRAM = pg_filedump
! OBJS	= pg_filedump.o checksum.o
  DOCS = README.pg_filedump
diff -Nc pg_filedump-9.2.0/pg_filedump.c pg_filedump-9.3.0j/pg_filedump.c
*** pg_filedump-9.2.0/pg_filedump.c	2012-03-12 08:58:31.000000000 -0700
--- pg_filedump-9.3.0j/pg_filedump.c	2013-06-09 21:46:21.240147414 -0700
*** 40,51 ****
  static void DisplayOptions (unsigned int validOptions);
  static unsigned int ConsumeOptions (int numOptions, char **options);
  static int GetOptionValue (char *optionString);
! static void FormatBlock ();
  static unsigned int GetBlockSize ();
  static unsigned int GetSpecialSectionType (Page page);
  static bool IsBtreeMetaPage(Page page);
  static void CreateDumpFileHeader (int numOptions, char **options);
! static int FormatHeader (Page page);
  static void FormatItemBlock (Page page);
  static void FormatItem (unsigned int numBytes, unsigned int startIndex,
  			unsigned int formatAs);
--- 40,51 ----
  static void DisplayOptions (unsigned int validOptions);
  static unsigned int ConsumeOptions (int numOptions, char **options);
  static int GetOptionValue (char *optionString);
! static void FormatBlock (BlockNumber blkno);
  static unsigned int GetBlockSize ();
  static unsigned int GetSpecialSectionType (Page page);
  static bool IsBtreeMetaPage(Page page);
  static void CreateDumpFileHeader (int numOptions, char **options);
! static int FormatHeader (Page page, BlockNumber blkno);
  static void FormatItemBlock (Page page);
  static void FormatItem (unsigned int numBytes, unsigned int startIndex,
  			unsigned int formatAs);
*** 54,60 ****
  static void FormatBinary (unsigned int numBytes, unsigned int startIndex);
  static void DumpBinaryBlock ();
  static void DumpFileContents ();
  // Send properly formed usage information to the user.
  static void
--- 54,60 ----
  static void FormatBinary (unsigned int numBytes, unsigned int startIndex);
  static void DumpBinaryBlock ();
  static void DumpFileContents ();
! static uint16 PageCalcChecksum16 (Page page, BlockNumber blkno);
  // Send properly formed usage information to the user.
  static void
*** 288,293 ****
--- 288,298 ----
  		  SET_OPTION (itemOptions, ITEM_DETAIL, 'i');
+ 		  // Verify block checksums
+ 		case 'k':
+ 		  SET_OPTION (blockOptions, BLOCK_CHECKSUMS, 'k');
+ 		  break;
  		  // Interpret items as standard index values
  		case 'x':
  		  SET_OPTION (itemOptions, ITEM_INDEX, 'x');
*** 522,527 ****
--- 527,561 ----
    return false;
+ static uint16
+ PageCalcChecksum16(Page page, BlockNumber blkno)
+ {
+   PageHeader  phdr   = (PageHeader) page;
+   uint16      save_checksum;
+   uint32      checksum;
+   /*
+    * Save pd_checksum and set it to zero, so that the checksum calculation
+    * isn't affected by the checksum stored on the page. We do this to
+    * allow optimization of the checksum calculation on the whole block
+    * in one go.
+    */
+   save_checksum = phdr->pd_checksum;
+   phdr->pd_checksum = 0;
+   checksum = checksum_block(page, BLCKSZ);
+   phdr->pd_checksum = save_checksum;
+   /* mix in the block number to detect transposed pages */
+   checksum ^= blkno;
+   /*
+    * Reduce to a uint16 (to fit in the pd_checksum field) with an offset of
+    * one. That avoids checksums of zero, which seems like a good idea.
+    */
+   return (checksum % 65535) + 1;
+ }
  // Display a header for the dump so we know the file name, the options
  // used and the time the dump was taken
  static void
*** 555,561 ****
  // Dump out a formatted block header for the requested block
  static int
! FormatHeader (Page page)
    int rc = 0;
    unsigned int headerBytes;
--- 589,595 ----
  // Dump out a formatted block header for the requested block
  static int
! FormatHeader (Page page, BlockNumber blkno)
    int rc = 0;
    unsigned int headerBytes;
*** 609,623 ****
  	 " Block: Size %4d  Version %4u            Upper    %4u (0x%04hx)\n"
  	 " LSN:  logid %6d recoff 0x%08x      Special  %4u (0x%04hx)\n"
  	 " Items: %4d                      Free Space: %4u\n"
! 	 " TLI: 0x%04x  Prune XID: 0x%08x  Flags: 0x%04x (%s)\n"
  	 " Length (including item array): %u\n\n",
  	 pageOffset, pageHeader->pd_lower, pageHeader->pd_lower,
  	 (int) PageGetPageSize (page), blockVersion,
  	 pageHeader->pd_upper, pageHeader->pd_upper,
! 	 pageLSN.xlogid, pageLSN.xrecoff,
  	 pageHeader->pd_special, pageHeader->pd_special,
  	 maxOffset, pageHeader->pd_upper - pageHeader->pd_lower,
! 	 pageHeader->pd_tli, pageHeader->pd_prune_xid,
  	 pageHeader->pd_flags, flagString,
--- 643,657 ----
  	 " Block: Size %4d  Version %4u            Upper    %4u (0x%04hx)\n"
  	 " LSN:  logid %6d recoff 0x%08x      Special  %4u (0x%04hx)\n"
  	 " Items: %4d                      Free Space: %4u\n"
! 	 " Checksum: %05hu  Prune XID: 0x%08x  Flags: 0x%04x (%s)\n"
  	 " Length (including item array): %u\n\n",
  	 pageOffset, pageHeader->pd_lower, pageHeader->pd_lower,
  	 (int) PageGetPageSize (page), blockVersion,
  	 pageHeader->pd_upper, pageHeader->pd_upper,
! 	 (uint32) (pageLSN >> 32), (uint32) pageLSN,
  	 pageHeader->pd_special, pageHeader->pd_special,
  	 maxOffset, pageHeader->pd_upper - pageHeader->pd_lower,
! 	 pageHeader->pd_checksum, pageHeader->pd_prune_xid,
  	 pageHeader->pd_flags, flagString,
*** 647,652 ****
--- 681,694 ----
  	  || (pageHeader->pd_upper < pageHeader->pd_lower)
  	  || (pageHeader->pd_special > blockSize))
  	printf (" Error: Invalid header information.\n\n");
+       if (blockOptions & BLOCK_CHECKSUMS)
+ 	{
+ 	  uint16 calc_checksum = PageCalcChecksum16(page, blkno);
+ 	  if (calc_checksum != pageHeader->pd_checksum)
+ 	    printf(" Error: checksum failure: calculated %05hu.\n\n",
+ 		   calc_checksum);
+ 	}
    // If we have reached the end of file while interpreting the header, let
*** 933,939 ****
  	  printf ("  XMIN: %u  XMAX: %u  CID|XVAC: %u",
! 		  HeapTupleHeaderGetXmax(htup),
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_HASOID)
--- 975,981 ----
  	  printf ("  XMIN: %u  XMAX: %u  CID|XVAC: %u",
! 		  HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(htup),
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_HASOID)
*** 958,969 ****
  	    strcat (flagString, "HASEXTERNAL|");
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_HASOID)
  	    strcat (flagString, "HASOID|");
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_COMBOCID)
  	    strcat (flagString, "COMBOCID|");
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_XMAX_EXCL_LOCK)
  	    strcat (flagString, "XMAX_EXCL_LOCK|");
! 	  if (infoMask & HEAP_XMAX_SHARED_LOCK)
! 	    strcat (flagString, "XMAX_SHARED_LOCK|");
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED)
  	    strcat (flagString, "XMIN_COMMITTED|");
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_XMIN_INVALID)
--- 1000,1015 ----
  	    strcat (flagString, "HASEXTERNAL|");
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_HASOID)
  	    strcat (flagString, "HASOID|");
+ 	  if (infoMask & HEAP_XMAX_KEYSHR_LOCK)
+ 	    strcat (flagString, "XMAX_KEYSHR_LOCK|");
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_COMBOCID)
  	    strcat (flagString, "COMBOCID|");
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_XMAX_EXCL_LOCK)
  	    strcat (flagString, "XMAX_EXCL_LOCK|");
! 	  if (infoMask & HEAP_XMAX_SHR_LOCK)
! 	    strcat (flagString, "XMAX_SHR_LOCK|");
! 	  if (infoMask & HEAP_XMAX_LOCK_ONLY)
! 	    strcat (flagString, "XMAX_LOCK_ONLY|");
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_XMIN_COMMITTED)
  	    strcat (flagString, "XMIN_COMMITTED|");
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_XMIN_INVALID)
*** 981,986 ****
--- 1027,1034 ----
  	  if (infoMask & HEAP_MOVED_IN)
  	    strcat (flagString, "MOVED_IN|");
+ 	  if (infoMask2 & HEAP_KEYS_UPDATED)
+ 	    strcat (flagString, "KEYS_UPDATED|");
  	  if (infoMask2 & HEAP_HOT_UPDATED)
  	    strcat (flagString, "HOT_UPDATED|");
  	  if (infoMask2 & HEAP_ONLY_TUPLE)
*** 1204,1210 ****
  // For each block, dump out formatted header and content information
  static void
! FormatBlock ()
    Page page = (Page) buffer;
    pageOffset = blockSize * currentBlock;
--- 1252,1258 ----
  // For each block, dump out formatted header and content information
  static void
! FormatBlock (BlockNumber blkno)
    Page page = (Page) buffer;
    pageOffset = blockSize * currentBlock;
*** 1224,1230 ****
        int rc;
        // Every block contains a header, items and possibly a special
        // section.  Beware of partial block reads though
!       rc = FormatHeader (page);
        // If we didn't encounter a partial read in the header, carry on...
        if (rc != EOF_ENCOUNTERED)
--- 1272,1278 ----
        int rc;
        // Every block contains a header, items and possibly a special
        // section.  Beware of partial block reads though
!       rc = FormatHeader (page, blkno);
        // If we didn't encounter a partial read in the header, carry on...
        if (rc != EOF_ENCOUNTERED)
*** 1340,1354 ****
  	      ctime (&(cd_time)),
! 	      controlData->checkPoint.xlogid, controlData->checkPoint.xrecoff,
! 	      controlData->prevCheckPoint.xlogid, controlData->prevCheckPoint.xrecoff,
! 	      checkPoint->redo.xlogid, checkPoint->redo.xrecoff,
  	      checkPoint->nextXidEpoch, checkPoint->nextXid,
  	      checkPoint->nextMulti, checkPoint->nextMultiOffset,
  	      ctime (&cp_time),
! 	      controlData->minRecoveryPoint.xlogid, controlData->minRecoveryPoint.xrecoff,
  	      (controlData->floatFormat == FLOATFORMAT_VALUE ?
--- 1388,1402 ----
  	      ctime (&(cd_time)),
! 	      (uint32) (controlData->checkPoint >> 32), (uint32) controlData->checkPoint,
! 	      (uint32) (controlData->prevCheckPoint >> 32), (uint32) controlData->prevCheckPoint,
! 	      (uint32) (checkPoint->redo >> 32), (uint32) checkPoint->redo,
  	      checkPoint->nextXidEpoch, checkPoint->nextXid,
  	      checkPoint->nextMulti, checkPoint->nextMultiOffset,
  	      ctime (&cp_time),
! 	      (uint32) (controlData->minRecoveryPoint), (uint32) (controlData->minRecoveryPoint),
  	      (controlData->floatFormat == FLOATFORMAT_VALUE ?
*** 1494,1500 ****
  		  contentsToDump = false;
! 		FormatBlock ();
--- 1542,1548 ----
  		  contentsToDump = false;
! 		FormatBlock (currentBlock);
diff -Nc pg_filedump-9.2.0/pg_filedump.h pg_filedump-9.3.0j/pg_filedump.h
*** pg_filedump-9.2.0/pg_filedump.h	2012-03-12 08:58:23.000000000 -0700
--- pg_filedump-9.3.0j/pg_filedump.h	2013-06-09 21:28:26.944167838 -0700
*** 22,29 ****
   * Original Author: Patrick Macdonald <>
! #define FD_VERSION	"9.2.0"			/* version ID of pg_filedump */
! #define FD_PG_VERSION	"PostgreSQL 9.2.x"	/* PG version it works with */
  #include "postgres.h"
--- 22,29 ----
   * Original Author: Patrick Macdonald <>
! #define FD_VERSION	"9.3.0"			/* version ID of pg_filedump */
! #define FD_PG_VERSION	"PostgreSQL 9.3.x"	/* PG version it works with */
  #include "postgres.h"
*** 34,44 ****
--- 34,46 ----
  #include "access/gist.h"
  #include "access/hash.h"
  #include "access/htup.h"
+ #include "access/htup_details.h"
  #include "access/itup.h"
  #include "access/nbtree.h"
  #include "access/spgist_private.h"
  #include "catalog/pg_control.h"
  #include "storage/bufpage.h"
+ #include "storage/checksum.h"
  // Options for Block formatting operations
  static unsigned int blockOptions = 0;
*** 49,55 ****
    BLOCK_FORMAT = 0x00000004,	// -f: Formatted dump of blocks / control file
    BLOCK_FORCED = 0x00000008,	// -S: Block size forced
    BLOCK_NO_INTR = 0x00000010,	// -d: Dump straight blocks
!   BLOCK_RANGE = 0x00000020	// -R: Specific block range to dump
--- 51,58 ----
    BLOCK_FORMAT = 0x00000004,	// -f: Formatted dump of blocks / control file
    BLOCK_FORCED = 0x00000008,	// -S: Block size forced
    BLOCK_NO_INTR = 0x00000010,	// -d: Dump straight blocks
!   BLOCK_RANGE = 0x00000020,	// -R: Specific block range to dump
!   BLOCK_CHECKSUMS = 0x00000040	// -k: verify block checksums
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