On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Josh Berkus <j...@agliodbs.com> wrote:
> Pavel,
>> But it can have a different reason. In T-SQL (Microsoft or Sybase) or MySQL
>> a unbound query is used to direct transfer data to client side.
> Are you planning to implement that in PL/pgSQL?
> Currently, PL/pgSQL requires RETURN ____ in order to return a query
> result to the caller.  Is there some reason we'd change that?
> If you're implementing TSQL-for-PostgreSQL, of course you might want to
> have different behavior with SELECT.  However, TSQL is not PL/pgSQL.

I don't think Pavel's point makes sense in the context of functions.
With stored procedures it might though -- but I don't see why that we
need to reserve behavior for SELECT without INTO -- it can behave
differently when executed with a hypothetical CALL.


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