
Here is my first report. You can also find it on my Gitlab [0].
Week 1 - 2014/05/25

For this first week, I have written a test script that generates some
simple datasets, and produces an image containing the output of the MADlib
clustering algorithms.

This script can be called like this:

./clustering_test.py new ds0 -n 8 # generates a dataset called "ds0"
with 8 clusters
./clustering_test.py query ds0 -o output.png # outputs the result of
the clustering algorithms applied to ds0 in output.png

See ./clustering_test.py -h for all the available options.

An example of output can be found here

Of course, I will keep improving this test script, as it is still far from
perfect; but for now, it does approximately what I want.

For next week, I'll start working on the implementation of k-medoids in
MADlib. As a reminder, according to the timeline I suggested for the
project, this step must be done on May 30. Depending on the problems I will
face (mostly lack of knowledge of the codebase, I guess), this might not be
finished on time, but it should be done a few days later (by the end of
next week, hopefully).

Attached is the patch containing everything I have done this week, though
the git log might be more convenient to read.


Maxence A.

[0] http://git.viod.eu/viod/gsoc_2014/blob/master/reports.rst

Maxence Ahlouche
06 06 66 97 00
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97de20e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/autogen_results.py b/autogen_results.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 033c309..0000000
--- a/autogen_results.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import os
-    os.system("./k-means_test.py --regen -o results/$(date | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1).png")
diff --git a/clustering_test.py b/clustering_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 2afc0d1..0000000
--- a/clustering_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import argparse
-import psycopg2 as pg
-import sys
-class DatabaseConnection():
-    db_name = 'madlib'
-    user = 'madlib'
-    host = 'localhost'
-    port = 5432
-    table_name = 'tmp_points'
-    field_name = 'coords'
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.conn = pg.connect(database=self.db_name, user=self.user, host=self.host, port=5432)
-        self.cur = self.conn.cursor()
-        self.cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s CASCADE;' % self.table_name)
-        self.cur.execute('CREATE TABLE %s (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, coords INT[]);' % self.table_name)
-        self.conn.commit()
-    def __del__(self):
-        self.cur.close()
-        self.conn.close()
-def main(args):
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Visualize output of the clustering algorithms provided by MADlib, in PostgreSQL.')
-    parser.add_argument('-n', metavar='number of clusters', type=int)
-    dc = DatabaseConnection()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main(sys.argv[1:])
diff --git a/clustering_test/autogen_results.py b/clustering_test/autogen_results.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..033c309
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clustering_test/autogen_results.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import os
+    os.system("./k-means_test.py --regen -o results/$(date | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1).png")
diff --git a/clustering_test/clustering_test.py b/clustering_test/clustering_test.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..248b5cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clustering_test/clustering_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import database as db
+import dataset_generator as ds
+import visualiser as vs
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description='Visualize output of the clustering algorithms provided by '
+        'MADlib, in PostgreSQL. You should start by adding a dataset. You need '
+        'a PostgreSQL running.')
+    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='subparsers help', dest='action')
+    parser_dataset = subparsers.add_parser('new', help='generate a dataset')
+    parser_dataset.add_argument(
+        'dataset_name',
+        help='the name of the dataset to create',
+    )
+    parser_dataset.add_argument(
+        '-n',
+        '--nb_clusters',
+        type=int,
+        help='the number of clusters composing the new dataset. Defaults to a '
+        'random value between 2 and 10.',
+    )
+    parser_dataset.add_argument(
+        '-d',
+        '--distribution',
+        choices = ds.gen_cluster.keys(),
+        help='the distribution of the points in the clusters. Defaults to '
+        'uniform.',
+    )
+    parser_query = subparsers.add_parser('query', help='apply clustering algorithms on a dataset')
+    parser_query.add_argument(
+        'dataset_name',
+        help='the name of the dataset to query',
+    )
+    parser_query.add_argument(
+        '-n',
+        '--nb_clusters',
+        type=int,
+        help='the number of clusters in the dataset. Default to the actual number of '
+        'clusters of the dataset.',
+    )
+    parser_query.add_argument(
+        '-o',
+        '--output_file',
+        help='the file in which the output will be saved.',
+    )
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.action == 'new':
+        if args.nb_clusters is None:
+            ds.gen_dataset(args.dataset_name)
+        else:
+            ds.gen_dataset(args.dataset_name, args.nb_clusters)
+    elif args.action == 'query':
+        vs.gen_image(args.dataset_name, args.output_file)
diff --git a/clustering_test/database.py b/clustering_test/database.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c47256d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clustering_test/database.py
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+Create the tables in the database and query them.
+import psycopg2 as pg
+# database parameters
+db_name = 'madlib'
+user = 'madlib'
+host = 'localhost'
+port = 5432
+table_name = 'tmp_point'
+field_name = 'coords'
+# connection and cursor objects
+conn = None
+cur = None
+# available clustering algorithms
+clustering_algorithms = [
+    'kmeans_random',
+    'kmeanspp',
+class DatabaseConnection():
+    def __init__(self, f):
+        self.f = f
+    def __call__(self, *k, **kw):
+        if conn is None:
+            self.connect()
+        result = self.f(*k, **kw)
+        conn.commit()
+        return result
+    def connect(self):
+        global conn, cur
+        conn = pg.connect(database=db_name, user=user, host=host, port=5432)
+        cur = conn.cursor()
+        # create the model, if it doesn't exist (should only be executed once)
+        cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dataset ('
+                    'id serial PRIMARY KEY, '
+                    'name varchar(80) UNIQUE, '
+                    'nb_clusters int);')
+        cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS point ('
+                    'id serial PRIMARY KEY,'
+                    'coords int[],'
+                    'dataset_id int REFERENCES dataset(id) ON DELETE CASCADE,'
+                    'cluster_id int);')
+        # create the temporary points table
+        cur.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s ('
+                    'id int REFERENCES point(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, '
+                    '%s int[]);'
+                    % (table_name, field_name))
+def insert_dataset(dataset_name, clusters):
+    # insert the dataset
+    cur.execute('INSERT INTO dataset (name, nb_clusters) '
+                    'VALUES (%s, %s) '
+                    'RETURNING id;',
+                    [dataset_name, len(clusters)])
+    # get the dataset's id
+    dataset_id = cur.fetchone()[0]
+    # insert the dataset's points
+    for i, cluster in enumerate(clusters):
+        query = 'INSERT INTO point (coords, dataset_id, cluster_id) VALUES\n'
+        for j, point in enumerate(cluster):
+            query += "('{" + str(point[0]) + ', ' + str(point[1]) + "}', " + \
+                     str(dataset_id) + ', ' + str(i) + ')'
+            query = query + ',\n' if j < len(cluster) - 1 else query + '\n'
+        query += ';'
+        cur.execute(query)
+def load_dataset(dataset_name):
+    '''
+    Load the chosen dataset in the table_name table.
+    '''
+    cur.execute('DELETE FROM tmp_point;')
+    cur.execute("INSERT INTO %s (id, coords) "
+                "SELECT point.id, point.coords "
+                "FROM point "
+                "JOIN dataset ON point.dataset_id = dataset.id "
+                "WHERE dataset.name = '%s';"
+                % (table_name, dataset_name))
+def get_nb_clusters(dataset):
+    cur.execute(
+        'SELECT nb_clusters '
+        'FROM dataset '
+        'WHERE name = %s;',
+        [dataset]
+    )
+    return cur.fetchone()[0]
+def get_centroids(clustering_alg, nb_clusters):
+    '''
+    Apply the clustering_algorithms to the current dataset loaded in the temp
+    table.
+    '''
+    cur.execute(
+        "SELECT * "
+        "FROM madlib.%s('%s', '%s', %s);"
+        % (clustering_alg, table_name, field_name, nb_clusters)
+    )
+    return cur.fetchone()
+def get_points(dataset=None):
+    '''
+    Get all the points of a specific dataset. If the dataset is not
+    provided, return the points in the temp table instead.
+    '''
+    if dataset is None:
+        cur.execute(
+            'SELECT id, %s, cluster_id '
+            'FROM %s;'
+            % (field_name, table_name)
+        )
+        return cur.fetchall()
+    else:
+        cur.execute(
+            'SELECT id, coords, cluster_id '
+            'FROM point '
+            'WHERE dataset_id IN (SELECT id FROM dataset WHERE name = %s LIMIT 1);',
+            [dataset]
+        )
+        return cur.fetchall()
+def get_current_dataset():
+    cur.execute(
+        'SELECT ds.id, ds.name '
+        'FROM DATASET ds '
+        'JOIN point p ON ds.id = p.dataset_id '
+        'JOIN %s tp on p.id = tp.id '
+        'LIMIT 1;'
+        % table_name
+    )
+    return cur.fetchone()
diff --git a/clustering_test/dataset_generator.py b/clustering_test/dataset_generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0248f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clustering_test/dataset_generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+import database as db
+import random
+Generate small toy datasets to test clustering algorithms.
+max_x = 300
+max_y = 300
+def gen_uniform_cluster(
+        nb_points=None,
+        lower_x=None,
+        upper_x=None,
+        lower_y=None,
+        upper_y=None,
+    if lower_x is None:
+        lower_x = random.randint(0, max_x-1)
+    if upper_x is None:
+        upper_x = random.randint(lower_x, max_x-1)
+    if lower_y is None:
+        lower_y = random.randint(0, max_y-1)
+    if upper_y is None:
+        upper_y = random.randint(lower_y, max_y-1)
+    if nb_points is None:
+        nb_points = random.randint(100, 1000)
+    cluster = []
+    for i in range(nb_points):
+        cluster.append((random.randint(lower_x, upper_x), random.randint(lower_y, upper_y)))
+    return cluster
+def gen_dataset(
+        dataset_name,
+        nb_clusters=random.randint(0, 10),
+        distribution='uniform',
+    ):
+    clusters = []
+    for i in range(nb_clusters):
+        clusters.append(gen_cluster[distribution]())
+    db.insert_dataset(dataset_name, clusters)
+gen_cluster = {
+    'uniform': gen_uniform_cluster,
diff --git a/clustering_test/requirements.txt b/clustering_test/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..615e61e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clustering_test/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/clustering_test/visualiser.py b/clustering_test/visualiser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc69a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/clustering_test/visualiser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+import math
+from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
+import database as db
+import dataset_generator as dsg
+colors = [
+    (255, 0, 0), # red
+    (0, 255, 0), # green
+    (0, 0, 255), # blue
+    (255, 255, 0), # yellow
+    (0, 255, 255), # cyan
+    (255, 0, 255), # pink
+    (96, 0, 0), # dark_red
+    (0, 96, 0), # dark_green
+    (0, 0, 96), # dark_blue
+    (96, 96, 96), # grey
+    (0, 0, 0), # black
+def distance(p1, p2):
+    '''
+    Compute the distance between p1 and p2.
+    '''
+    return math.sqrt(math.pow(p2[0] - p1[0], 2) + math.pow(p2[1] - p1[1], 2))
+def nearest_centroid(point, centroids):
+    '''
+    Assign a point to its nearest centroid.
+    Returns the indice of the nearest centroid.
+    '''
+    nearest_centroid = 0
+    min_dist = distance(point[1], centroids[nearest_centroid])
+    for i, centroid in enumerate(centroids):
+        dist = distance(point[1], centroid)
+        if dist < min_dist:
+            min_dist = dist
+            nearest_centroid = i
+    return nearest_centroid
+def cluster(clustering_alg, dataset=None):
+    '''
+    Return the result of the clustering algorithms applied to dataset.
+    Returns the list of centroids, and a list of ((x, y), cluster_id).
+    dataset defaults to the last one used.
+    '''
+    # if no dataset specified, keep the current one, else update the temp table
+    if dataset is not None:
+        db.load_dataset(dataset)
+    else:
+        dataset = db.get_current_dataset()[1]
+    nb_clusters = db.get_nb_clusters(dataset)
+    # get the centroids and the points
+    centroids = db.get_centroids(clustering_alg, nb_clusters)[0]
+    points = db.get_points(dataset)
+    assigned_points = []
+    for point in points:
+        assigned_points.append((point, nearest_centroid(point, centroids)))
+    return centroids, assigned_points
+def gen_image(dataset=None, output_file=None):
+    '''
+    Write the output of the clustering algorithms in output_file.
+    If output_file is not provided, defaults to <dataset>.png
+    '''
+    def draw_centroid(bitmap, centroid, color):
+        # draw a black square
+        for i in range(max(int(centroid[0]) - 3, 0.), min(int(centroid[0]) + 3, dsg.max_x)):
+            for j in range(max(int(centroid[1]) - 3, 0), min(int(centroid[1]) + 3, dsg.max_x)):
+                bitmap[i * dsg.max_x + j] = colors[10]
+        # fill it with the correct color
+        for i in range(max(int(centroid[0]) - 2, 0.), min(int(centroid[0]) + 2, dsg.max_x)):
+            for j in range(max(int(centroid[1]) - 2, 0), min(int(centroid[1]) + 2, dsg.max_x)):
+                bitmap[i * dsg.max_x + j] = color
+    def draw_point(bitmap, point, color):
+        bitmap[point[0] * dsg.max_x + point[1]] = color
+    def draw_text(img, text):
+        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
+        draw.text((10, 10), text, fill=colors[10]) # black
+    # if no dataset specified, get the current dataset
+    if dataset is None:
+        dataset = db.get_current_dataset()[1]
+    # if no output_file specified, name it after the dataset
+    if output_file is None:
+        output_file = dataset + '.png'
+    # draw the original clustering
+    img = Image.new("RGB", (dsg.max_x, dsg.max_y))
+    bitmap = [(255, 255, 255)] * dsg.max_x * dsg.max_y
+    points = db.get_points(dataset)
+    for point in points:
+        draw_point(bitmap, point[1], colors[point[2]])
+    img.putdata(bitmap)
+    draw_text(img, 'Original clustering')
+    result_img = Image.new('RGB', (dsg.max_x, dsg.max_y * (len(db.clustering_algorithms)+1)))
+    result_img.paste(img, (0, 0))
+    # draw ths output of the clustering algorithms
+    for i, clustering_alg in enumerate(db.clustering_algorithms):
+        centroids, points = cluster(db.clustering_algorithms[0], dataset)
+        bitmap = [(255, 255, 255)] * dsg.max_x * dsg.max_y
+        for point in points:
+            draw_point(bitmap, point[0][1], colors[point[1]])
+        for j, centroid in enumerate(centroids):
+            draw_centroid(bitmap, centroid, colors[j])
+        img = Image.new("RGB", (dsg.max_x, dsg.max_y))
+        img.putdata(bitmap)
+        draw_text(img, clustering_alg)
+        result_img.paste(img, (0, (i+1) * (dsg.max_x+1)))
+    result_img.save(output_file)
diff --git a/k-means_test.py b/k-means_test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7d46de7..0000000
--- a/k-means_test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-import postgresql
-import random
-import sys
-import getopt
-import math
-import pickle
-import time
-from PIL  import Image, ImageDraw
-# db informations
-db_name = "madlib"
-db_user = "viod"
-db_server = "localhost"
-db_port = 5432
-db_table_name = "k_means_test"
-db_field_name = "coord"
-db = postgresql.open("pq://" + db_user + "@" + db_server + ":" + str(db_port) + "/" + db_name)
-# dataset informations
-ds_max_groups = 10
-ds_max_x = 300
-ds_max_y = 300
-group_max_elts = 1000
-group_max_width = 100
-group_max_height = 100
-default_output_file = "clustered_data.png"
-data_file = "clusters.dat"
-colors = [
-    (255, 0, 0), # red
-    (0, 255, 0), # green
-    (0, 0, 255), # blue
-    (255, 255, 0), # yellow
-    (0, 255, 255), # cyan
-    (255, 0, 255), # pink
-    (96, 0, 0), # dark_red
-    (0, 96, 0), # dark_green
-    (0, 0, 96), # dark_blue
-    (96, 96, 96), # grey
-    (0, 0, 0) # black
-    ]
-def create_test_table():
-    """
-    Create or replace the data table
-    """
-    try:
-        db.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + db_table_name + " CASCADE;")
-    except UndefinedTableError:
-        pass
-    db.execute("CREATE TABLE " + db_table_name + " (" +
-               "id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, " + 
-               db_field_name + " int[]" +
-               ");")
-def gaussian_random(lower_bound, upper_bound):
-    """ 
-    Generate a random number between lower_bound and upper_bound, assuming a gaussian repartition
-    """
-    mean = (upper_bound + lower_bound) / 2
-    variance = (upper_bound - lower_bound) / 4
-    x = random.gauss(mean, variance)
-    while(x < lower_bound or x > upper_bound):
-        x = random.gauss(mean, variance)
-    return int(x)
-def insert_random_data(nb_groups):
-    """
-    Populate the table with groups of points chosen randomly
-    """
-    clusters = []
-    # for each group
-    for i in range(nb_groups):
-        width = random.randint(1, group_max_width)
-        height = random.randint(1, group_max_height)
-        nb_elts = random.randint(1, group_max_elts)
-        min_x = random.randint(1, ds_max_x - width)
-        min_y = random.randint(1, ds_max_y - height)
-        clusters.append( ((min_x + width/2, min_y + height/2), []) )
-        # points generation
-        for j in range(nb_elts):
-            x = gaussian_random(min_x, min_x + width)
-            y = gaussian_random(min_y, min_y + height)
-            clusters[i][1].append((x,y))
-            db.execute("INSERT INTO " + db_table_name + " (" + db_field_name + ") VALUES (" +
-                       "'{" + str(x) + "," + str(y) + "}');")
-    # save clusters informations in a file
-    data_dump = open(data_file, "wb")
-    pickle.dump(nb_groups, data_dump)
-    pickle.dump(clusters, data_dump)
-    data_dump.close()
-    return clusters
-def get_points():
-    """
-    Get back the points previously generated
-    """
-    c = db.prepare("SELECT " + db_field_name + " FROM " + db_table_name + ";").declare()
-    points = []
-    for p in c:
-        points.append(list(p[0]))
-    return points
-def apply_clustering_kmeans(nb_groups): 
-    """
-    Call to MADlib's k-means clustering function
-    """
-    c = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM madlib.kmeans_random('" + db_table_name + "', '" + 
-                    db_field_name + "', " + str(nb_groups) + ");").declare()
-    result = c.read()[0]
-    centroids = result[0]
-    #objective_fn = result[1]
-    #frac_reassigned = result[2]
-    #num_iterations = result[3]
-    # init clusters
-    clusters = []
-    for c in centroids:
-        clusters.append((c, []))
-    # assign each point to its cluster
-    points = get_points()
-    for p in points:
-        # compute distances
-        distances = []
-        for c in centroids:
-            distances.append(math.pow(c[0] - p[0], 2) + math.pow(c[1] - p[1], 2))
-        # get the indice of the nearest centroid
-        nearest = 0
-        for i in range(1, len(distances)):
-            if(distances[i] < distances[nearest]):
-                nearest = i
-        clusters[nearest][1].append(p)
-    return clusters
-def apply_clustering_kmeanspp(nb_groups): 
-    """
-    Call to MADlib's k-means clustering function
-    """
-    c = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM madlib.kmeanspp('" + db_table_name + "', '" + 
-                    db_field_name + "', " + str(nb_groups) + ");").declare()
-    result = c.read()[0]
-    centroids = result[0]
-    #objective_fn = result[1]
-    #frac_reassigned = result[2]
-    #num_iterations = result[3]
-    # init clusters
-    clusters = []
-    for c in centroids:
-        clusters.append((c, []))
-    # assign each point to its cluster
-    points = get_points()
-    for p in points:
-        # compute distances
-        distances = []
-        for c in centroids:
-            distances.append(math.pow(c[0] - p[0], 2) + math.pow(c[1] - p[1], 2))
-        # get the indice of the nearest centroid
-        nearest = 0
-        for i in range(1, len(distances)):
-            if(distances[i] < distances[nearest]):
-                nearest = i
-        clusters[nearest][1].append(p)
-    return clusters
-def export_to_png(clusters):
-    """
-    Visualize the result in a PNG file
-    """
-    def display_centroid(bitmap, x, y, color):
-        """ 
-        Display a big colored square to represent a centroid
-        """
-        # Draw a black square
-        # vertical lines
-        for i in max(0, int(x)-3), min(ds_max_x, int(x)+3):
-            for j in range(max(0,int(y)-3),min(ds_max_y,int(y)+4)):
-                bitmap[j * ds_max_x + i] = colors[10] # black
-        # horizontal lines
-        for i in range(max(0,int(x)-3), min(ds_max_x,int(x)+4)):
-            for j in max(0,int(y)-3), min(ds_max_y, int(y)+3):
-                bitmap[j * ds_max_x + i] = colors[10] # black
-        # Fill this square with the color
-        for i in range(max(0, int(y)-2), min(ds_max_y, int(y)+3)):
-            for j in range(max(0, int(x)-2), min(ds_max_x, int(x)+3)):
-                bitmap[i * ds_max_x + j] = color
-    bitmap = [(255,255,255)] * ds_max_x * ds_max_y
-    i = 0
-    for centroid, points in clusters:
-        # display points
-        for p in points:
-            bitmap[p[1] * ds_max_x + p[0]] = colors[i]
-        # display centroid
-        display_centroid(bitmap, centroid[0], centroid[1], colors[i])
-        i += 1
-    img = Image.new("RGB", (ds_max_x, ds_max_y))
-    img.putdata(bitmap)
-    return img
-def parse_args(argv):
-    """
-    Interpret the command line
-    """
-    try:
-        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "ho:rn:", 
-                                   ["regen", "help", "output-file=", "nb-groups="])
-    except getopt.GetOptError:
-        usage()
-        sys.exit(2)
-    regen = False
-    nb_groups = 0
-    output_file = default_output_file
-    for opt, arg in opts:
-        if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
-            usage()
-            sys.exit(0)
-        elif opt in ("-o", "--output-file"):
-            output_file = arg
-        elif opt in ("-r", "--regen"):
-            regen = True
-        elif opt in ("-n", "--nb-groups"):
-            nb_groups = arg
-    return regen, nb_groups, output_file
-def generate_output(output_file, clusters_set):
-    """
-    Display all the clustering results on a single image
-    """
-    def add_title(img, title):
-        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
-        draw.text((10, 10), description, fill=colors[10]) # black
-    result_img = Image.new("RGB", (ds_max_x * len(clusters_set), ds_max_y))
-    i = 0
-    for clusters, description in clusters_set:
-        tmp_img = export_to_png(clusters)
-        add_title(tmp_img, description)
-        result_img.paste(tmp_img, (i * (ds_max_x + 1), 0))
-        i += 1
-    result_img.save(output_file)
-def print_line(line):
-    """
-    Same as print, but allows to rewrite at the end of the line
-    """
-    print(line, end = "")
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-def count_points(clusters):
-    """
-    Counts the points in a cluster set
-    """
-    nb_points = 0
-    for c in clusters:
-        nb_points += len(c[1])
-    return nb_points
-def usage():
-    print("""
-    ./k-means_test.py -o output_file.png -n 4 -r
-    -o, --output-file output_file.png:
-        The resulting PNG image.
-    -r, --regen:
-        Generate new points. You should use it at your first run.
-    -n, --nb-groups n:
-        Generate n groups of points. If not generating points, classify in n 
-        clusters. 
-    -h, --help:
-        Display this help message.
-def main(args):
-    regen, nb_groups, output_file = parse_args(args)
-    if(regen):
-        nb_groups = random.randint(2, ds_max_groups)
-        print("Creating test table...")
-        create_test_table()
-        print_line("Generating random data... ")
-        start = time.time()
-        original_clusters = (insert_random_data(nb_groups), "Original clustering")
-        finish = time.time()
-        # nb_points = 0
-        # for cluster in original_clusters[0]:
-        #     nb_points += len(cluster[1])
-        print("Generated " + str(count_points(original_clusters[0])) + " points partitioned into " + 
-              str(len(original_clusters[0])) + " clusters in " +
-              str(finish - start)[:6] + " seconds.")
-    else:
-        try:
-            print_line("Loading data from " + data_file + "... ")
-            start = time.time()
-            data_dump = open(data_file, "rb")
-            nb_groups = pickle.load(data_dump)
-            original_clusters = (pickle.load(data_dump), "Original clustering")
-            data_dump.close
-            finish = time.time()
-            print("Data loaded in " + str(finish - start)[:5] + " seconds.")
-        except FileNotFoundError:
-            print("Cannot load data, you need to generate some data first. Use --regen argument.")
-            exit(3)
-    # k-means clustering
-    print_line("Clustering data using k-means algorithm... ")
-    start = time.time()
-    kmeans_clusters = (apply_clustering_kmeans(nb_groups), "K-means clustering")
-    finish = time.time()
-    print("Data clustered in " + str(finish - start)[:5] + " seconds.")
-    # k-means++ clustering
-    print_line("Clustering data using k-means++ algorithm... ")
-    start = time.time()
-    kmeanspp_clusters = (apply_clustering_kmeanspp(nb_groups), "K-means++ clustering")
-    finish = time.time()
-    print("Data clustered in " + str(finish - start)[:5] + " seconds.")
-    # output generation
-    print_line("Exporting to " + output_file + "...")
-    start = time.time()
-    generate_output(output_file, [ original_clusters, kmeans_clusters, kmeanspp_clusters])
-    finish = time.time()
-    print("File generated in " + str(finish - start)[:5] + " seconds.")
-    print("Done.")
-if(__name__ == "__main__"):
-    main(sys.argv[1:])
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