
Here's my report for week 5.

Week 5 - 2014/06/22

This week has been full of debugging of the main SQL function. The previous
week, I had been able to come up with a working function to compute a
medoid for a given group of points, but since then I've struggled to
integrate it with the rest of the SQL. Some errors were trivial (for
example some parameters that I had written with underscores instead of
using camelCase - Hai spotted this one, I think i'd never have found it by
myself), others less so. But it's coming!

According to the timeline I had planned at the beginning on the project,
I'm definitely late. The module I'm still writing should have been finished
last week, and it's not even working yet. It seems I've been far too
optimist in this timeline. For the second step, as I'll have less time than
expected, I'm thinking to switch from OPTICS to DBSCAN, which at least I
have fully understood (OPTICS is quite complicated). Is everyone ok with

Next week is the evaluation week. Hopefully I'll be allowed to continue
working on this project, even though I haven't provided much result until
now :p As for me, I don't have to complain: I've always been provided
patience and clear answers to my questions. Only the phone calls didn't
turn as good as they sounded, but this problem will be fixed at our next
meeting, as we'll now use IRC!

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