On Jun 4, 2015, at 11:53 AM, Neil Tiffin <ne...@neiltiffin.com> wrote:

> I have looked at PGXN and would never install anything from it.  Why?  
> Because it is impossible to tell, without inside knowledge or a lot of work, 
> what is actively maintained and tested, and what is an abandoned 
> proof-of-concept or idea.

Well, you can see the last release dates for a basic idea of that sort of 
thing. Also the release status (stable, unstable, testing).

> There is no indication of what versions of pg any of PGXN modules are tested 
> on, or even if there are tests that can be run to prove the module works 
> correctly with a particular version of pg.

Yeah, I’ve been meaning to integrate http://pgxn-tester.org/ results for all 
modules, which would help with that. In the meantime you can hit that site 
itself. Awesome work by Tomas Vondra.

> There are many modules that have not been updated for several years.  What is 
> their status?  If they break is there still someone around to fix them or 
> even cares about them?  If not, then why waste my time.

These are challenges to open-source software in general, and not specific to 

> So adding to Jim’s comment above, anything that vets or approves PGXN modules 
> is, in my opinion, essentially required to make PGXN useful for anything 
> other than a scratchpad.

Most of the distributions on PGXN feature links to their source code 

> A big help would be to pull in the date of the last git commit in the module 
> overview and ask the authors to edit the readme to add what major version of 
> pg the author last tested or ran on.

That’s difficult to maintain; I used to do it for pgTAP, was too much work. 
pgxn-tester.org is a much better idea.



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