Hello Kyotaro-san,

In nonterminal stmtmulti, setQueryLocation is added and used to
calcualte and store the length of every stmt's. This needs an
extra storage in bse_yy_extra_type

The extra storage is one int.

and introduces a bit complicated stuff. But I think raw_parser can do that without such extra storage and labor,

How? The issue is that stmtmulti silently skip some ';' when empty statements are found, so I need to keep track of that to know where to stop, using the beginning location of the next statement, which is probably your idea, does not work.

then gram.y gets far simpler.

The struct member to store the location and length is named
'qlocation', and 'qlength' in the added ParseNode. But many nodes
already have 'location' of exactly the same purpopse. I don't see
a necessity to differentiate them.

Alas, the "CreateTableSpaceStmt" struct already had a "char *location" that I did not want to change... If I use "location", then I have to change it, why not...

Another reason for the name difference is that qlocation/qlength convention is slightly different from location when not set: location is set manually to -1 when the information is not available, but this convention is not possible for statements without changing all their allocations and initializations (there are hundreds...), so the convention I used for qlocation/qlength is that it is not set if qlength is zero, which is the default value set by makeNode, so no change was needed...

Changing this point would mean a *lot* of possibly error prone changes in the parser code everywhere statements are allocated...

Putting the two above together, the following is my suggestion
for the parser part.

- Make all parse nodes have the following two members at the
 beginning. This unifies all parse node from the view of setting
 their location. Commenting about this would be better.

 | NodeTag   type;
 | int       location;

Currently only a few parse nodes have locations, those about variables and constants that can be designated by an error message. I added the information to about 100 statements, but for the many remaining parse nodes the information does not exist and is not needed, so I would prefer to avoid adding a field both unset and unused.

- Remove struct ParseNode

"ParseNode" is needed to access the location and length of statements, otherwise they are only "Node", which does not have a location.

and setQueryLocation.

The function is called twice, I wanted to avoid duplicating code.

stmtmulti sets location in the same manner to other kind of nodes, just doing '= @n'. base_yyparse() doesn't calculate statement length.


- Make raw_parser caluclate statement length then store it into
 each stmt scanning the yyextra.parsetree.

... I cannot calculate the statement length cleanly because of empty statements. If I know where the last ';' is, then the length computation must be when the reduction occurs, hence the function called from the stmtmulti rule.

What do you think about this?

I think that I do not know how to compute the length without knowing where the last ';' was, because of how empty statements are silently skipped around the stmtmulti/stmt rules, so I think that the length computation should stay where it is.

What I can certainly do is:

 - add more comments to explain why it is done like that

What I could do with some inputs from reviewers/committers is:

 - rename the "char *location" field of the create table space statement
   to "directory" or something else... but what?

 - change qlocation/qlength to location/length...

   However, then the -1 convention for location not set is not true, which
   is annoying. Using this convention means hundreds of changes because every
   statement allocation & initialization must be changed. This is
   obviously possible, but is a much larger patch, which I cannot say
   would be much better than this one, it would just be different.

What I'm reserved about:

 - adding a location field to nodes that do not need it.


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