
* Andres Freund ( wrote:
> On 2017-01-26 19:01:54 -0500, Stephen Frost wrote:
> > * Andres Freund ( wrote:
> > > I hear these complaints about postgres most frequently: 1) replication
> > > sucks. 2) way too slow on analytics queries. 3) existing admin tools
> > > suck. 4) self written admin tools (required due to 3)) constantly break.
> > > 
> > > There's a lot being done on 1) and 2). There's very little in-core
> > > progress about 3). We're getting worse on 4).
> > 
> > I certainly hear some of these complaints also, and I'd love it if '3'
> > were something that the project was focused on, but, well, I really
> > don't see pgAdmin ever being in core, and 99% of the time that I'm
> > talking to end users, that's really what they're looking for (or, well,
> > something like it).  I don't recall, off-hand at least, ever running
> > into a user complaining that their pgAdmin-like admin tool broke.
> For me it's it's not a pgadmin alike (or rather a more featureful
> version) that's breaking the camel's back.  By far the biggest one I
> hear is auto-HA.  There's no in-core support, and pretty much all of the
> stuff out there is immature as hell.

Oh, that's not what I tend to think of as 'admin tool'.  I completely
agree with you on #1 and also that we need something better for HA.

> And even if it weren't people for
> good reason don't trust such core aspects to $random_project.  Good,
> easy to set up, monitoring is another thing - and I don't thing
> check_postgres is a significant portion of that, it doesn't have much in
> the way of guidelines, and actually pointing people to where problems
> are.

My comment with check_postgres was more of a 'it seems unlikely we would
get in something as simple as this', not to suggest in any way that it's
the end-all, be-all of monitoring.

And now to, unashamedly, push my own agenda- any ideas about something
that would help with any of this that could be accomplished over a
summer by a student?  Even if you don't want to mentor, having a good
description, what skills are needed, the difficulty level, and the
expected outcomes might allow someone else to mentor...



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