Hi Rahila, pg_restore is failing for default partition, dump file still storing old syntax of default partition.
create table lpd (a int, b int, c varchar) partition by list(a); create table lpd_d partition of lpd DEFAULT; create database bkp owner 'edb'; grant all on DATABASE bkp to edb; --take plain dump of existing database \! ./pg_dump -f lpd_test.sql -Fp -d postgres --restore plain backup to new database bkp \! ./psql -f lpd_test.sql -d bkp psql:lpd_test.sql:63: ERROR: syntax error at or near "DEFAULT" LINE 2: FOR VALUES IN (DEFAULT); ^ vi lpd_test.sql -- -- Name: lpd; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: edb -- CREATE TABLE lpd ( a integer, b integer, c character varying ) PARTITION BY LIST (a); ALTER TABLE lpd OWNER TO edb; -- -- Name: lpd_d; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: edb -- CREATE TABLE lpd_d PARTITION OF lpd FOR VALUES IN (DEFAULT); ALTER TABLE lpd_d OWNER TO edb; Thanks, Rajkumar