Tom Lane wrote:

Bruce Momjian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Seems we have a problem with pooled connections and WITH HOLD cursors.
We have code to reset transaction state and variables via RESET ALL, but
how do we remove WITH HOLD cursors when we pass a connection to a new

Prepared statements would be just as much of a problem. I think the correct answer is simply "don't use those features in a pooled environment".

regards, tom lane

Ouch. Double ouch in fact. I'm using prepared statements extensively in my current (pooled conn) app. All pure selects.

Can this be narrowed down a bit? Is it a problem on all query types? On all versions? What if the statement object (in JDBC) is closed?

If it's really a problem I'll have to do some nasty last-minute recoding (again!) :-( (or abandon using pooling, which I would also hate).


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