On Friday 26 September 2003 20:19, Tom Lane wrote:
> Shridhar Daithankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > We really don't need threads to replace existing functionality. That
> > would be dog work.
> No, that's not the point at all.  The problem we are facing at the
> moment with the Windows port is lack of fork(), which means there's
> no way for separate-subprocess backends to inherit variable values
> from the postmaster.  Bruce has been trying to fix that by having the
> subprocesses somehow reload or re-deduce all those variables; which
> is messy, bug-prone, and probably race-condition-prone too.  In a
> threaded implementation it would maybe be relatively easy to initialize
> a new thread's TLS by copying the postmaster thread's TLS, in which case
> a whole pile of as-yet-unwritten Windows-only code won't be needed.

Umm.. I understand child process created by createProcess does not inherit 
variable values from parent process. That's where problem originates..

We can simply create a registry key that would contain shared memory id from 
where a child process should get the variable values.

And that would need initialization function I talked about earlier.  And since 
anyways TLS->TLS copy is still needed anyways, I think this approach can 
still save us dealing with threads. 

God.. it doesn't get any less messy..I hope this is of some value..


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