"Anthony W. Youngman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Marshall Spight
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>>Unless one has data independence, one does not have
>>this option; one will be locked into a particular
>>performance model. This is why I found the MV
>>guy's obvious pleasure at being able to precisely
>>describe the performance model for his DB as odd:
>>I thought it a deficit to be able to say what it was;
>>he thought it an asset.
> When you park your car, do you put the chassis on the drive, the
> engine in the garage, and the wheels in the front garden?

When I park my car, I don't particularly _care_ whether it runs on
propane, diesel, gasoline, ethanol, or batteries.  (Well, at home,
they don't allow propane cars in the parking garage, but that's a case
where details HAVE to emerge.)  I don't need to care whether the car
uses a 4 cylinder engine, 6, 8, 12, or perhaps evades having cylinders
at all.

I frankly have NO IDEA how many RPMs the engine gets to, nor do I know
how many times the wheels turn in the average minute.

These are all details I don't NEED to know in order to park the car,
and are pretty much irrelevant to the average need to drive an

I consider it a Good Thing that my database has a query optimizer that
makes it unnecessary for me to worry about the details of how indexes
will be used.

Occasionally some anomaly comes up that requires that I dig into
details, but most of the time, the abstractions allow me to ignore
these details, and allows me to spend my time worrying about
optimizing the things that actually need it, as opposed to chasing
after irrelevant improvements.
select 'cbbrowne' || '@' || 'cbbrowne.com';
ASSEMBLER  is a  language. Any  language  that can  take a  half-dozen
keystrokes and compile it down to one  byte of code is all right in my
books.  Though  for the  REAL  programmer,  assembler  is a  waste  of
time.  Why use  a  compiler when  you  can code  directly into  memory
through a front panel.

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