"Christopher Browne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "Anthony W. Youngman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Marshall Spight
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >>Unless one has data independence, one does not have
> >>this option; one will be locked into a particular
> >>performance model. This is why I found the MV
> >>guy's obvious pleasure at being able to precisely
> >>describe the performance model for his DB as odd:
> >>I thought it a deficit to be able to say what it was;
> >>he thought it an asset.
> >>
> > When you park your car, do you put the chassis on the drive, the
> > engine in the garage, and the wheels in the front garden?
> When I park my car, I don't particularly _care_ whether it runs on
> propane, diesel, gasoline, ethanol, or batteries.


You have to remember who you are talking to; Wol is ignorant and stupid. A
car is a physical artifact just as the physical representation of a datum is
a physical artifact. Physical independence is the equivalent to having a
door from the hallway to the garage, a door from the kitchen to the garage,
a door from the back yard to the garage, and car access to the driveway--and
an identical car parked in the back alley just for convenience.

Wol's analogies are dumb because they reflect his intelligence.

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