Andrew Dunstan kirjutas T, 09.12.2003 kell 22:07:
> Dave Cramer wrote:
> >Have a look at Axion for a pure java db
> >
> >
> >
> >Not as full featured,but still useful.
> >
> >  
> >
> Er, I take it that "not as full featured" is an example of meiosis :-)
> Here's what the web page says:

> ----------------------
> This is basically a small embedded db engine, not an enterprise class RDBMS.

And a small (ok, maybe not small) embedded db engine is the only place I
can see any benefit from a rewrite to java.

The rewrite of early Postgres from LISP to C was probably done for good

OTOH, it could be cool to be able to run JavaPostgreSQL as a stored
procedure inside Oracle ;)


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