How about pg_dumpall dumps all users as superusers, and then changes them back to what they're supposed to be at the bottom of the script :)

Leaves you in kind of a dangerous state if the script doesn't complete,
doesn't it?

If your script doesn't complete, it can leave you in all sorts of bad states, but I guess this is a reasonably bad one.

Someone else suggested having pg_dump dump all objects without ownership
(so, on restore, they'd all initially be owned by the user running the
script, hopefully a superuser) and then doing ALTER OWNERs and GRANTs at
the bottom.  This seems a little cleaner to me, though it's got the
problem that somebody would have to go off and implement the remaining
ALTER OWNER commands.

I guess that's me...

I'll have a crack at it, but don't let that stop anyone from piping up and helping me :)


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