Marc G. Fournier wrote:

On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Tom Lane wrote:

Rob Butler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

That makes it sound as if you didn't do the same level
of testing on *this* release, like it didn't go
through all the tests or something.

How about "it does not have the extensive testing
history that other supported platforms in this release

Not bad, but it doesn't make the point that there's a lot of new
platform-specific code for Windows in there.  You want to point
out not only that there's no history, but that there's new code to be
suspicious of.

"Altho tested throughout our release cycle, the Windows port does not have the benefit of the years of testing that has gone into the Unix platforms, and, as such, should be treated with the same level of caution as you would a new product"

Not bad. I think I'd say " ... does not have the benefit of years of use in production environments that PostgreSQL has on Unix platforms ..." - I agree with Merlin that we shouldn't imply it hasn't been extensively tested.



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