
thanks for that quick and detailed answer.

On Fri, Nov 05, 2004 at 05:42:01PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The sample file gives additional information, just as occurs with
> pg_hba.conf. I don't see any need to replicate the sample file in the
> docs, do you?

Well, maybe one could add just a few lines. pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf
are also documented in the documentation itself.

> If you have specific questions, I can answer those. There haven't been
> any specific questions asked that aren't covered in the docs or the
> sample file, other than these:

My first mistake was that I kept the archive_command setting and thus
overwrote my original archive files. Maybe you should add a note that one
should set it to another directory when recovering.

> I would encourage you and other users to submit a documentation patch
> yourself if you find better ways of explaining what it's for, how to
> make it work etc..

My question is: When I've restored up to the time t_0, how can I go on to
restore up to another point in time, later than t_0 but before the end of my
log files.

I've set another recovery_target_time but it won't work. When exactly would
I have to specify recovery_target_timeline?

Thanks for your words of wisdom,

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