On Fri, May 06, 2005 at 10:01:45AM -0700, Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> >With PostgreSQL *not* US based, we are not subject to the whim's of the 
> >US government, nor its export restrictions, nor its lawyers ...
> I am not even going to touch this one.

Why?  While I wouldn't put the terms exactly the way Marc did, I
_would_ say that the US approach to "intellectual property" in
software is sufficiently reaching as to qualify in the "over"
category.  Canada's rules are bad enough, but having worked under
both regimes, I'm moderately convinced that having a non-US "home
base" for CVS is a good idea.


Andrew Sullivan  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When my information changes, I alter my conclusions.  What do you do sir?
                --attr. John Maynard Keynes

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