On E, 2005-05-09 at 07:36 +0200, Thomas Hallgren wrote:
> Satoshi Nagayasu wrote:
> >>    An oracle package is created when first referenced. Its initialization
> >>    code is run once (ie costly queries to populate session wide package
> >>    params) and the package dies at the end of the session
> >>    An analogy with OOP is that it's like having a single class instance
> >>    available for the duration of a session.
> >>
> PL/Java has an object called "Session" that does exactly this.

And pl/python has a global dictionary SD for the same purpose.

> It is not
> available from other languages at present. Are Packages supposed to be
> cross-language?

Probably not, as they already have most of the needed features.

Maybe we can set up some lighter version of package for cross-language
features (like installing removing a group of functions) but this are
much less needed for more advanced languages.

Hannu Krosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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