Tom Lane wrote:

Martijn van Oosterhout <> writes:
Are there any reasons why we shouldn't change the libname with every
release like for UNIX? I can't think of any, but you never know...

Surely that cure is far worse than the disease.  You'd be trading a
might-break risk (app using new function will fail if used with old
library) for a guaranteed-to-break risk (*every* app fails if used
with *any* library version other than what it was built against).

The Unix version of the idea is considerably more flexible than
what would happen on Windows.
Different from Unix distros, win32 apps will always bring all their required libraries with them, so it's totally under control of the developer/packager. There's no such thing as prerequisite packages for win32 installs, new lib names will *not* break other apps when installed because older ones stay untouched.


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