Tom Lane wrote:
Chris Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

True, as long as there's a hook to do the inlining/rewriting before the query's planned. I guess we can see function calls at the parse stage, check to see if they're SQL functions or not, grab the prosrc, do the substitution, then re-parse?

pull_up_subqueries in prepjointree.c would be the appropriate place
I think: if it's an RTE_FUNCTION RTE, look to see if function is SQL
and has the other needed properties, if so replace it by an RTE_SUBQUERY
RTE with the correct subquery, then recurse to try to flatten the
subquery.  (Note: I'm in the middle of hacking that code to flatten
UNION subqueries, so you might want to wait till I commit before
starting on a patch ;-))

If we are talking about inserting the function definition into the query as a subquery and then letting the parser treat it as a subquery, then I see no reason to use either the existing function or view subsystems. It sounds more like we are discussing a macro language.

  CREATE MACRO foo(bar,baz) AS $$
    select a from b where b > bar and b < baz

Then when you query

  SELECT * FROM foo(1,7) AS f WHERE f % 7 = 3

you get a macro expansion as such:

  SELECT * FROM (a from b where b > bar and b < baz) AS f WHERE f % 7 = 3

Then whatever optimizations the query planner can manage against a subquery will work for macros as well.


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