Alvaro Herrera wrote:
But the confirmation that needs to come is that the WAL changes have
been applied (fsync'ed), so the performance will be terrible.  So bad,
that I don't think anyone will want to use such a replication system ...

Yeah, that's the big problem of sync, multi-master replication. IMHO the key to high performance sync, multi-master replication is to minimize the efforts needed to get that confirmation.

A hard drive has the built-in functionality to confirm what has been written (and hopefully it does not lie about that). A cluster does not have this ability. Now, what does it mean to get a confirmation from the cluster at all? First of all, you have to be sure the cluster has received your message, then you also need to be sure it can apply your changes (the so called WriteSet).

Unfortunately 'the cluster' consists of many independent machines. If you wait for every single machine in the cluster to confirm being able to apply your WriteSet, you won't get beyond single-machine performance for writing transactions.

Postgres-R uses a Group Communication System to get very fast 'confirmation' by optimizing the logic a little: like with patches, you can be sure a WriteSet can be applied if you try to apply it to the same base. So Postgres-R uses totally ordered communication to ensure all transactions are processed in the very same order on all nodes. Another optimization is buried in the depth of the GCS: it only guarantees that the message you sent _will_be_delivered_. So thanks to the GCS you don't have to wait for all other nodes, but only for the GCS to confirm that your message will be delivered on the other nodes. Of course the GCS also needs to send messages around to be able to confirm that, but GCSes are designed to do exactly that very efficiently.

I hope to have brought some light to the sync, multi-master replication problem. Please ask if you have more questions. I propose to continue that discussion on the Postgres-R mailing list I have set up.



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