Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:

For example I have no expertise in coding on Postgres, but I think I would be able to collect information from this mailinglist (like specs, url's etc.) and put them in some issue tracker or wiki. I have done exactly the same for PHP [1] (though there are rarely specs thrown around in PHP, so my PHP todo list is not much more than a simple bullet list of todo's with a name and occasional URL's to additional information).

Actually I should add that I went ahead and created the PHP todo list on my own, without any official blessing and one by one internals developer have joined. Now its actively used in the entire release process.

This is probably the best approach to go about doing this for PostgreSQL as well. That way there is no additional work, and instead it can show if it actually helps people. And if it does more people will start to contribute to it. If not then someone who did not contribute to the code anyways wasted a bit of time to get to know the PostgreSQL todo items really well. ;)


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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