Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
Peter Eisentraut wrote:
Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
I remember something about setting up a wiki for a todo list and pie
in the sky list. I thought it had promise, but until the wiki is
there we won't know...
I think the wiki is the prerequisite for many ideas about alternative
tracking and documentation mechanisms. I just wonder what the hold up
is on it.
We have a wiki already:
It could be a bit faster, but its there.
That wiki is wrong. :) It was set up wrong and configured wrong. It was
supposed to be for developers only.
There is also another wiki that is a trac based that was set up at dave
pages request (for slaves_to_www).
I even already started on a little documentation effort:
And note it has already been mentioned that, that wiki was the wrong
place to put it. Not that I am slamming your efforts, I think it was
really good that you did the docs :). They are just in the wrong place.
Joshua D. Drake
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