Hi, Marlon,

Marlon Petry wrote:

> But I would need to have installed pg_dump and pg_restore in machine
> client?
> Without having installed pg_dump and pg_restore,how I could make

pg_dump and pg_restore should be runnable (possible with a small shell /
bash wrapper script) without any "installation", simply having them and
all neded libs lying in the current directory. They don't need any
registry keys, weird environment settings or such, just some libs which
should be present on most platforms, except libpq.

Using a java application for dump/restore will burden you with
installing a JVM, the PostgreSQL JDBC drivers, and your application,
which seems at least equal effort and more ressources.

Btw, another idea is to run pg_dump on the server, but pipe its output
to the client, e. G. via running it through telnet or SSH (yes there are
SSH servers for windows), and then piping it to a file on the client (e.
G. using plink.exe from the putty package). Or use netcat or so.

On a unix box, when you're really crazy, and want to ignore all security
restrictions, you could even install pg_dump via inetd, and then
everyone connecting via TCP on the appropriate port gets a dump of the
database. :-)

Markus Schaber | Logical Tracking&Tracing International AG
Dipl. Inf.     | Software Development GIS

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