Em qui., 14 de abr. de 2022 às 08:01, Kumar, Mukesh <
mku...@peabodyenergy.com> escreveu:

> Hi Team,
> We are running the below query in PostgreSQL and its taking approx. 8 to 9
> sec to run the query.
> Query – 1
> Select * from
>   (
>   Select payment_sid_c,
>   lms_app.translate_payment_status(payment_sid_c) AS paymentstatus
>   from
>   lms_app.lms_payment_check_request
>   group by payment_sid_c) a
>   where  paymentstatus in ('PAID', 'MANUALLYPAID')
> The explain plan and other details are placed at below link for more
> information. We have checked the indexes on column but in the explain plan
> it is showing as Seq Scan which we have to find out.
> *https://explain.depesz.com/s/Jsiw#stats
> <https://explain.depesz.com/s/Jsiw#stats>*
> This query is using a function translate_payment_status on column
> payment_sid_c whose script is attached in this mail
> Could please anyone help or suggest how to improve the query performance.
You can try create a partial index that help this filter:
Filter: ((lms_app.translate_payment_status(payment_sid_c))::text = ANY

See at:

Ranier Vilela

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