Can you paste from oracle for

Set lines 10000
Select text from dba_source
Where name =
And owner = 'IMS_APP'


On Thu, Apr 14, 2022, 12:07 PM Kumar, Mukesh <>

> Hi Michael ,
> We tried dropping the below values from the function, but it did not help.
> Also, the values PAID and MANUALLY PAID constitutes about 60 % of the
> values in table ,  and infact we tried creating the partial index and it
> did not help.
> The Strange thing is that we are trying to run this in oracle as we have
> done the migration recently and it is running in less than second with same
> indexes and other database objects . I can understand that comparing to
> oracle is stupidity, but this is only thing where we can compare.
> Below is the query we are running on oracle and comparing in postgres
> Below is the query and plan for same
> <*stats__;Iw!!KupS4sW4BlfImQPd!OE7VRYuxv81xKZski81jR9U-OFWiC5_KPW02j0u9iHLcaEbtUo5u_sIfi8VFrToyBiI2A_69MqYrJe97dsUq$>
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Mukesh Kumar
> *From:* Michel SALAIS <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 14, 2022 11:45 PM
> *To:* Kumar, Mukesh <>; 'Ranier Vilela' <
> *Cc:*; 'MUKESH KUMAR' <
> *Subject:* RE: Query Tunning related to function
> Hi,
> This part of the function is odd and must be dropped:
>          IF (ret_status = payment_rec)
>          THEN
>               ret_status := payment_rec;
> I didn’t look really the function code and stopped on the view referenced
> by the cursor.
> The view (we know it just by its name) used in the function is a black box
> for us. Perhaps it is important to begin optimization there!
> If values 'PAID' and 'MANUALLYPAID' are an important percentage of table
> rows forcing index use is not a good thing especially when it is done with
> a non-optimized function.
> If rows with values 'PAID' and 'MANUALLYPAID'  constitute a little
> percentage of the table, then the partial index plus rewriting the query
> would be much more efficient
> Select
>   payment_sid_c,
>  lms_app.translate_payment_status(payment_sid_c) as paymentstatus
> from
>   lms_app.lms_payment_check_request
> where
>  lms_app.translate_payment_status(payment_sid_c) IN ('PAID',
> group by
>   payment_sid_c
> If not, you can gain some performance if you rewrite your query to be like
> this:
> Select
>   payment_sid_c,
>  lms_app.translate_payment_status(payment_sid_c) as paymentstatus
> from
>   lms_app.lms_payment_check_request
> group by
>   payment_sid_c
> having
>  lms_app.translate_payment_status(payment_sid_c) IN ('PAID',
> And you can also try to write the query like this:
> Select t.payment_sid_c, lms_app.translate_payment_status(t.payment_sid_c)
> From
> (
>   Select
>     payment_sid_c
>   from
>    lms_app.lms_payment_check_request
>   group by
>     payment_sid_c
>   having
>     lms_app.translate_payment_status(payment_sid_c) IN ('PAID',
> ) t
> Regards
> *Michel SALAIS*
> *De :* Kumar, Mukesh <>
> *Envoyé :* jeudi 14 avril 2022 16:45
> *À :* Ranier Vilela <>
> *Cc :*; MUKESH KUMAR <
> *Objet :* RE: Query Tunning related to function
> Hi Rainer ,
> We tried to create the partial ‘index on table but it did not help, and it
> is taking approx. 7 sec now.
> Also we tried to force the query to use the index by enabling the
> parameter at session level
> set enable_seqscan=false;
> and it is still taking the time below is the explain plan for the same
> <*stats__;Iw!!KupS4sW4BlfImQPd!OE7VRYuxv81xKZski81jR9U-OFWiC5_KPW02j0u9iHLcaEbtUo5u_sIfi8VFrToyBiI2A_69MqYrJVb2g-4s$>
> Also we running the query which is actually used in application and above
> query is used in below query. Below is the explain plan for same.
> <*stats__;Iw!!KupS4sW4BlfImQPd!OE7VRYuxv81xKZski81jR9U-OFWiC5_KPW02j0u9iHLcaEbtUo5u_sIfi8VFrToyBiI2A_69MqYrJe97dsUq$>
> Please assist
> Thanks and Regards,
> Mukesh Kuma
> *From:* Ranier Vilela <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 14, 2022 7:56 PM
> *To:* Kumar, Mukesh <>
> *Subject:* Re: Query Tunning related to function
> Em qui., 14 de abr. de 2022 às 08:01, Kumar, Mukesh <
>> escreveu:
> Hi Team,
> We are running the below query in PostgreSQL and its taking approx. 8 to 9
> sec to run the query.
> Query – 1
> Select * from
>   (
>   Select payment_sid_c,
>   lms_app.translate_payment_status(payment_sid_c) AS paymentstatus
>   from
>   lms_app.lms_payment_check_request
>   group by payment_sid_c) a
>   where  paymentstatus in ('PAID', 'MANUALLYPAID')
> The explain plan and other details are placed at below link for more
> information. We have checked the indexes on column but in the explain plan
> it is showing as Seq Scan which we have to find out.
> *
> <*stats__;Iw!!KupS4sW4BlfImQPd!M8K66GpB-7DvYJA0HYFVpY9mtO6TaqIGRjTLI2G1WNjwK8KA9I8JaEr9OWwGy5F6fC4Ed5dwEjCf_1rBCDg9rA$>*
> This query is using a function translate_payment_status on column
> payment_sid_c whose script is attached in this mail
> Could please anyone help or suggest how to improve the query performance.
> You can try create a partial index that help this filter:
> Filter: ((lms_app.translate_payment_status(payment_sid_c))::text = ANY
> ('{PAID,MANUALLYPAID}'::text[]))
> See at:
> <;!!KupS4sW4BlfImQPd!M8K66GpB-7DvYJA0HYFVpY9mtO6TaqIGRjTLI2G1WNjwK8KA9I8JaEr9OWwGy5F6fC4Ed5dwEjCf_1quLi3m8Q$>
> regards,
> Ranier Vilela

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