On Thu, 2003-07-24 at 13:25, Kasim Oztoprak wrote:
> On 24 Jul 2003 17:08 EEST you wrote:
> > On 24 Jul 2003 at 15:54, Kasim Oztoprak wrote:
> we do not have memory problem or disk problems. as I have seen in the list the best 
> way to 
> use disks are using raid 10 for data and raid 1 for os. we can put as much memory as 
> we require. 
> now the question, if we have 100 searches per second and in each search if we need 
> 30 sql
> instruction, what will be the performance of the system in the order of time. Let us 
> say
> we have two machines described aove in a cluster.

That's 3000 sql statements per second, 180 thousand per minute!!!!
What the heck is this database doing!!!!!

A quad-CPU Opteron sure is looking useful right about now...  Or
an quad-CPU AlphaServer ES45 running Linux, if 4x Opterons aren't

How complicated are each of these SELECT statements?

| Ron Johnson, Jr.        Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |
| Jefferson, LA  USA                                              |
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| "I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals, I'm a vegetarian  |
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