
> Since PG doesn't have active-active clustering, that's out, but since
> the database will be very static, why not have, say 8 machines, each
> with it's own copy of the database?  (Since there are so few updates,
> you feed the updates to a litle Perl app that then makes the changes
> on each machine.)  (A round-robin load balancer would do the trick
> in utilizing them all.)

Another approach I've seen work is to have several servers connect to one SAN 
or NAS where the data lives.  Only one server is enabled to handle "write" 
requests; all the rest are read-only.  This does mean having dispacting 
middleware that parcels out requests among the servers, but works very well 
for the java-based company that's using it.

Josh Berkus
Aglio Database Solutions
San Francisco

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