On 25 Jul 2003 at 16:38, Kasim Oztoprak wrote:
> this is kind of directory assistance application. actually the select statements are 
> not
> very complex. the database contain 25 million subscriber records and the operators 
> searches 
> for the subscriber numbers or addresses. there are not much update operations 
> actually the 
> update ratio is approximately %0.1 . 
> i will use at least 4 machines each having 4 cpu with the speed of 2.8 ghz xeon 
> processors.
> and suitable memory capacity with it. 

Are you going to duplicate the data?

If you are going to have 3000 sql statements per second, I would suggest,

1. Get quad CPU. You probably need that horsepower
2. Use prepared statements and stored procedures to avoid parsing overhead.

I doubt you would need cluster of machines though. If you run it thr. a pilot 
program, that would give you an idea whether or not you need a cluster..


Default, n.:    The hardware's, of course.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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